Reach your audience
Access more than 50 million active ticket buyers from the Eventbrite platform.
Reach your audience
Access more than 50 million active ticket buyers from the Eventbrite platform.
Streamline your operations
Sell tickets on mobile, social, or your website with an easy-to-use checkout experience. Convert your audience into ticket holders faster than ever.
World class insights
Get the most out of your data with 24/7 access to 15+ reports about your event. Review real-time insights about attendees’ interests and movements.
-Chad Collins, Founder, Learn with Bricks, Inc.
We want to get your event in front of more like-minded, passionate people. On the Eventbrite platform, we can showcase your event to millions of potential ticket buyers — whether they’re searching on Google or skimming their Facebook newsfeeds — on any device.
Don’t lose motivated buyers with an overly complex check-out. Create a secure, 2-step registration page for your event that will quickly convert your community into ticket holders. Eventbrite also makes it easy for your attendees to sign up from any device.
Eventbrite helps you get acquainted with your community’s interests and movements during the event. Consolidate and review data for quick analysis and on-the-fly decision-making making to help things run smoothly. We can capture real-time social media reactions at the event and broadcast them to attract future attendees, all while protecting your brand’s authenticity.
Create a memorable experience:
Sites that are mobile-optimized see a 160% lift in conversion rates
A one-second delay in page response can can reduce conversions by 7%.
One in 10 buyers drops off for every extra step in a purchase flow.
Event creators
We’ll help you create the vision for your event. Flexible pricing packages designed to bring your event from a plan on paper to full-blown production.
Operations directors
Access an easy-to-use, robust platform. Get real-time event analysis to ensure a better ROI.
Venue owners
Eventbrite’s network of more than 50 million event-goers will help you sell out any event.