How to Make Your Show Go Viral

Ok so your event page is live, your venue’s locked down, and your lineup is set to be the banger of the year. All that’s left? Finding the guests. Check out some tried-and-true tricks to get people talking about your music and make your show viral, for real.

Step 1: Utilize the URL.
Did you know you can make a custom URL for your Eventbrite page? When you make a custom URL on your Eventbrite page, it’s automatically set up to be easy for people to find when they look for it online. In other words, it’s SEO-optimized. A custom URL is more memorable and easier to add to your marketing material (posters, stickers, flyers, etc.). Imagine running into a friend or fellow artist who you think might be interested in coming out to your show. What would you rather say to her?

“Yo, Gail! Check out eventbrite-dot-com-backslash-eight-two-one-three-three-four-two-eight! You’re gonna love it.”


“Banging-rap-show-dot-eventbrite-dot-com. It’s gonna be awesome!”

Get it? Make a custom URL.

Step 2: Wise up with social media.
You’d be shocked to find out how many people post the link to their Facebook page the minute they publish their event, and then not again until the week before their event takes place. It’s ok to be aggressive with getting the word out when using social media, because not everyone consumes it the same way. Post consistently throughout the dates leading up to your event and don’t be afraid of sending personalized messages. Nobody likes spam, but if you think someone in your network might genuinely be interested in attending, shoot a message to their inbox or direct message (DM) them on Twitter. Be sure to personalize it, so it doesn’t look like you just auto-DM’ed everyone.

“Hey Emani, know how much you love to stay up on new artists, thought you might be interested in attending this showcase I’m throwing, The Come Up SF:”

Also, don’t be afraid to ask people to share! A simple ‘Please RT’ can go a long way!

Step 3: Get a lil hashtag help
Before you start any of your marketing efforts, decide on an event hashtag (check out some of our suggestions here). Include it consistently in all of your online marketing: emails, event page, social media, etc. The more the hashtag is used, the more eyes that will be on it, which hopefully means more eyes on your event page and (you guessed it) more ticket sales.

Additionally, look up if there are any popular hashtags that have to do with the type of event you are hosting and reach out to folks using that to generate additional interest. (e.g: reach out to everyone using the #ComeUpSF hashtag and let them know about your showcase).

Step 4: Create cool, compelling content.
Facebook and Twitter posts are good ways to drive page views and ticket sales… but what to post? Our best advice is to treat social media as part of the creative process with engagement as the goal. Do you have a well-known host(ess) at your show? Consider a pre-event interview on your blog, or ask them to shoot a quick message on their mobile phone that you can turn into an Instagram video or Vine. Let people vote on your next album cover or the theme of your next music video. Publish funny pictures from your last show and hold a caption contest. Post a question of the day. Let your fans ask you anything. Retweet memes and videos you find hilarious. Challenge your audience to top it.

Step 5: It takes a village.
Sure, it’s possible to sell out your event by yourself but why not divide and conquer? If you’re working with a team or have volunteers, ask them to share the event with their networks as well. Send out weekly emails with pre-written messages, so all they have to do is copy, paste, and click send! Additionally, consider working with local media partners — it’s very common for event organizers to offer cross-promotion and/or free ticket packages in exchange for a media partner sending their event out in an email or newsletter. Read through 8 Tips for DIY PR for more tips on spreading the word.

Do you have any tried and true ways to increase the buzz around your event? Tell us in the comments below! We’re here to hear you.