2018 Music Marketing Handbook: The Essential Elements
Today’s powerful marketing tools can be precise and effective - if your team knows how to use them. Learn which marketing channels your team should focus on and how they should use them in the 2018 Music Marketing Handbook, an up-to-date guide with real-world examples of these methods in action.
Download NowLive music marketing has changed — have you?
Today’s powerful marketing tools are precise and effective — if your team knows how to use them. Unfortunately, marketing mistakes quickly become lost ticket sales.
As a venue owner, music festival director, or promoter, your challenge is to know which of the many marketing techniques represent the best use of your staff, time, and budget.
In this guide, you’ll find the up-to-date tactics and methods the Eventbrite Music Marketing team has used to help hundreds of music venues and festivals have more successful and lucrative shows.
What you’ll learn:
- Which marketing channels your team should focus on and how they should use them
- How to make sure your marketing efforts are reaching the most relevant fans
- Real-life examples of how top music marketers have put these methods into action
Facebook: The Fan Targeter
“Without Facebook, we wouldn’t sell as many tickets,” says Erica Hernandez of Brooklyn Bowl, a combination music venue, bowling alley, and restaurant in Williamsburg.
Her three-pronged Facebook approach includes advertising, organic content, and Facebook Events. “We’ll create an Event for each show, then build an ad campaign around it to run for a week over the announcement and on-sale,” she explains. Hernandez puts money behind the Event to make sure it reaches the right fans, starting with custom audiences of past buyers, their email list, website visitors, and fans of the artist.
For maximum effectiveness, Hernandez creates an ad campaign from scratch rather than just boosting a post. “Boosting a post is not ideal because you won’t have the best targeting options,” she says. “It’s always better to build a new campaign in Ads Manager.”