Double Happiness & Salt artspace

Double Happiness LLC is an experience design consultancy based in Brooklyn, NY. We help people, organizations, and brands: innovate, collaborate, and build meaningful

SALT artspace re-imagining spaces for art, work, meditation and worship. Located in what was once Tin Pan Alley and currently zoned for industrial manufacturing, SALT is a flexible gallery/performance and gathering venue. Partnering with The Gallery Church, SALT invites all people to collectively dialogue about preserving culture and adding flavor to our everyday lives. Our vision is to add value to this neighborhood in transition through inspiring art projects and by building great community.

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Double Happiness LLC is an experience design consultancy based in Brooklyn, NY. We help people, organizations, and brands: innovate, collaborate, and build meaningful

SALT artspace re-imagining spaces for art, work, meditation and worship. Located in what was once Tin Pan Alley and currently zoned for industrial manufacturing, SALT is a flexible gallery/performance and gathering venue. Partnering with The Gallery Church, SALT invites all people to collectively dialogue about preserving culture and adding flavor to our everyday lives. Our vision is to add value to this neighborhood in transition through inspiring art projects and by building great community.


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