Yes, I Can

Yes, I Can

When you say yes, I can, you make your dreams possible. We discuss Invention, technology, Business, School, and many more.

By Yesgrad




9:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Yes, I can

About this event

  • 1 hour

This is a Yesgrad event where we welcome everyone to join and use brainstorming to create something unique. It is all about inspiring original ideas. Everyone is encouraged to think creatively and share their ideas during this brainstorming session. For each session, we consider what we expect to accomplish. Critical thinking is the central part of each session. We look at the problem, brainstorm, and seek more information to find a solution. We discuss Invention, technology, Business, School, and many more.

Frequently asked questions

For Information, I Can;; 1 - 833 - 937- 4723; 1 - 833 - Yes - Grad

Organized by

We serve, encourage, and educate all people to reach their goals. We create an extraordinary environment to make the learning process fun and engaging for all.
