Womb Healing Call - WCOE Virtual Gathering

Womb Healing Call - WCOE Virtual Gathering

Join us for a virtual gathering focused on healing our wombs, connecting with our divine feminine energy, and supporting each other.

By The Womb Sauna - Thema Azize Serwa, Founder

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About this event

  • 1 hour 30 minutes

Join us weekly on Sundays and set yourself up for a successful week.

You are tired of trying to keep up with all of the information you need to be whole, healthy, and happy.

And… if you are honest… you have more than enough information, but not enough implementation.

The Woman’s Circle of Empowerment is an intimate, committed, in it to win it, group of women who create a covenant of trust and accountability. Click here to see ALL membership benefits.

  • We unveil.
  • We are present.
  • We are diligent.
  • We are supportive.

Join us for a transformative experience in our weekly Sunday morning Womb Healing Call!

Your first call is on us, come get what you need.

If you desire to attend every week, join the community The Woman's Circle of Empowerment.

As a thank you and "welcome home sis", you get to be in community with us for FREE for your first 30 days and have access to 4 calls and the other membership benefits.

This virtual gathering is designed to help you connect with your feminine energy and get your life in order.

Dive deep into self-care, meditation, and rituals to nurture and honor your sacred center. Let's come together in sisterhood and support each other on our healing journeys.

Don't miss this opportunity to tap into the power of your womb and experience profound healing. Reserve your spot now!

The first 30 days are FREE and allows you to vet our tribe and see if our vibration aligns.

Organized by

our method of vaginal steaming


After our launch in 2011, our service portfolio quickly expanded from just the vaginal steam experience, to a unique product line of herbs and other natural feminine products. Women realized that in order to heal everything, their lifestyle would need to change. They allowed The Womb Sauna to become a safe space to make those changes.


By 2013 we were not only introducing women to vaginal steaming, but setting an industry standard through our Womb Sauna Practitioner Certification program and online Womb Sauna University. We began to measure the impact of our method and have maintained a success rate of over 90% for positive biopsychosocial impact on our client’s health, within their first session.


What started with just Thema Azize Serwa, pioneer of the company, quickly grew into an organization not only empowering women to heal holistically, but employing them and teaching them how to bridge the gap between their passions and profits.


Through the raw, unapologetic power of women healing in mind, body, and spirit, this company became fertile ground for feminine leadership personally and professionally.