Walk With a Doc Montclair

Welcome to Walk With A Doc in Montclair, NJ! Our goal is to educate, exercise, and empower our walkers!

By MellowMindedMD


Brookdale Park Rose Garden

Brookdale Park Rose Garden Montclair, NJ 07043

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

    Welcome to Walk With A Doc in Montclair, NJ! We are a local chapter of the international non profit organization founded in 2005 by Dr. David Sabgir, a cardiologist, from Columbus, OH. The goal of this program is to inspire communities through movement, connection, and conversation. Walk with a Doc offers FREE doctor-led walking groups in communities around the world. The events are ongoing and allow participants to safely walk, learn about current health topics, and meet like minded individuals. Take a STEP towards better health and join us! All ages are welcome, as well as all abilities. Our walks are 1 hour long from beginning to end.This group is led by Dr. Mariela Torres, MD of MellowMindedMD.

    Organized by

    Mellow Minded MD events provide the Ultimate Relaxing, Restorative, and Insightful Experience. Allow yourself to be fully immersed in this unique interactive guided meditation. Shift your physiology intentionally and emerge feeling more Mellow Minded.