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Welcome to TechTuesday at HSBXL. It’s where tech enthusiasts hang out, projects get tinkered with!

By Hackerspace Brussels (HSBXL)

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Hackerspace Brussels HSBXL

53 Rue Osseghem 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean Belgium

About this event

  • 3 hours

Welcome to TechTuesday at HSBXL. It’s where tech enthusiasts hang out, projects get tinkered with, and the occasional debate over the best programming language ensues.

Whether you’re an old hand at hacking or just dipping your toes:

  • Chats & Code: Engage in hushed tech tales, showcase your latest digital masterpiece, or simply bask in the mesmerizing rhythm of coders at work.
  • Ambient Rhythms: We curate a backdrop of everything from ambient rock to downtempo electronica. It sets the mood, enhancing the creativity without becoming a distraction.
  • Refreshment Protocol: Club Mate to fuel your creativity, assorted beers for contemplation, and soft drinks for a refreshing pause. Choose your brew.
  • Machinery Magic: Our space boasts more than just computers. Soldering irons hiss and 3D printers hum, telling tales of projects brought to life.
  • Knowledge Exchange: Encountered a tech puzzle? Someone in the room might have just the insight you need. And if you’ve unraveled a digital mystery, consider sharing it.

Note: The beauty of HSBXL is its welcoming ethos. Member or not, if you’re curious and respectful, you’re one of us.

Getting to HSBXL

HSBXL, the beacon for tech enthusiasts in Brussels, awaits. For your navigational needs, check here. Barrier issues? Broadcast at +32 28804004. For real-time digital dialogues, tap into our Matrix chatroom.

Bring Along

Your tech gear, a project in progress, or simply a mind open to the endless possibilities of tech.

That’s TechTuesday at HSBXL. A laid-back evening where tech happens, naturally. See you there.

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