RESPR Weather/Climate Technology Solutions For Growing GDP Around The World

RESPR Weather/Climate Technology Solutions For Growing GDP Around The World

Your experience of weather/climate data, analysis, & forecasts being inadequate/wrong is due to a specific reason. Dr. Stalker changes it.

By Dr. James Stalker




Participant Interaction

4:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Introduction to RESPR Technology (30 minutes)

Dr. James Stalker

About this event

  • 1 hour

Join us for an exciting online event where Dr. James Stalker introduces you to his science-shaping RESPR weather/climate technology solutions based on his own method that he developed and perfected over two decades. Upon realization of the potential impact of these technology solutions, he has made the decision to help countries all around the world. The RESPR data (upon production), along with his broad expertise, Dr. Stalker and his team will partner with you to address your weather/climate related impacts and provide clear recommendations for various sectors, including climate change. Clients start receiving benefits from the early few months upon project initiation, while the complete project recommendations are delivered in 2 to 5 years depending on the project land size. These recommendations are supported by the objectively produced and comprehensive RESPR data for increased economic activity and GDP growth for your community, municipality, county, state or country. With Dr. Stalker's two-decadeslong development effort, you will be sure to learn about the latest in the weather/climate science arena so this event is a must-attend for anyone interested in the intersection of weather, climate, and economic development. Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights and connect with Dr. Stalker and his team. Register now!

Frequently asked questions

I am a citizen and want to help. How can I actively participate in this effort?

As a stakeholder within your community, you can help a lot by communicating the opportunity to your local leaders. And, also put them in touch with our team for further discussion before proceeding to detailed project planning.

What makes the RESPR technology solutions unique?

Dr. Stalker realized more than 20 years ago the current practice of the weather/climate science relies on what are state variables (often measured). His method allows various physical processes that shape these state variables and that is why his method is about overcoming a significant flaw.

Have the RESPR technology solutions been used by other paying clients?

Dr. Stalker initially (20+ years ago) focused on wind energy for which he acquired both assessment and forecast clients. Later he worked with solar energy, temperature forecast clients as well. However, current focus is on realizing the bigger-than-life impact for the world.

What is the cost to learn about this opportunity?

Dr. Stalker believes it shouldn't cost anything to learn about this opportunity as this webinar itself. Indeed, any subsequent conversations leading up to the project initiation phase will be free as well. His team will reserve the right to prioritize focus on countries/regions that take action.

Does your team have a preferred geographical region that you focus on now?

As a U.S. business, we have focused on various states and Dr. Stalker expects that focus to continue until our team is working with all countries (except countries that we will have to receive special approval from our government). Countries/regions that act faster will reap the technology benefits

How does one go about exploring education and research opportunities?

The RESPR mapping projects are about developing the comprehensive and recommendations for various sectors so there isn't much opportunity for research during the project period of 2 to 5 years. Through planned Stalker Research Institutes (SRIs), research and education will be supported.

Do clients have to wait for 2 to 5 years to receive the benefits of these technology solutions?

No, clients start receiving benefits within the first few months from the start of the project. The 2-year to 5-year period is for completing the entire project, including the comprehensive RESPR data, recommendations for the chosen 10 sectors with client's approval.

Where can I find more information?

Our climate change focused website is the best resource to start with: Dr. Stalker's personal website ( has a ton of information on his background, various links, etc. Dr. Stalker & his team will assist you further.

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