Questions about membership? We'll answer them for you!

Questions about membership? We'll answer them for you!

We would love to meet you, share how we can support you, and help you take your first steps in our community!

By The Startup Ladies



About this event

  • 45 minutes

Hello Friend!

We often have founders, investors, and corporate executives tell us that they have been watching our work from afar for years before becoming active. Maybe you've read our newsletters, or IBJ articles, or possibly came to an event before. Perhaps you are now serious about starting a business, investing in a woman founder, or connecting with members of our community. These Zoom meetings are designed for anyone who wants to learn more about becoming a Startup Ladies member.

Does't matter where you are in the world! We host monthly programs that are live on Zoom as well as in person events. Our robust eLearning platform is filled with lessons, templates, and processes for you to learn at your own pace.

If you are curious about how we can support your growth, please register for one of our Q&A sessions with someone from our leadership team.

The Startup Ladies Mission

The Startup Ladies is a for-profit membership organization that identifies, educates, connects, and increases investment in women entrepreneurs starting up and scaling businesses.

We have 2 BIG goals:

  1. Increase the number of women starting up scalable businesses.
  2. Fund more female founders at the level and rate their male counterparts are being funded.

Is The Startup Ladies a Women’s group?

The Startup Ladies is a professional membership organization that welcomes people of every gender, age, country of origin, and sexual orientation. We’re solving problems that are specific to women by including everyone in the solution and lifting everyone up along the way.

Our members include: entrepreneurs, investors, and companies that provide services to startups: like banks, law firms, accounting and software development firms. We train founders to go to market. We train investors to fund our founders. We’ve helped our founders generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in investment. And we’ve generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in leads for our Corporate members.

*We're open to any business type, in any industry, so long as you are committed to thinking about scaleable growth.

We are part of the solution to achieve gender parity in the startup space.

  • 90% of women-owned businesses have no employees.
  • In 2022, $241 billion was invested into startups. Only 2.2% of those dollars were invested in women-lead startups.
  • Less than 2% of women business owners generate $1 million in annual revenue.
  • Female founders pay themselves about 25% less than male founders. They get less funding and have to stretch it further to make necessary hires. Yet their ROIs are higher.
