Portland-Area Facilitator (Unlearning) Network - Play Lab

Portland-Area Facilitator (Unlearning) Network - Play Lab

Learn and play while building community and a network of support with those who work in the diverse realms of facilitation.

By Iggy Perillo - WSL Leadership


Location for meetings moves - exact location for each meeting will be sent in the reminder emails!

5441 Southeast Belmont Street Portland, OR 97215

About this event

  • 2 hours

The Portland-Area Facilitator (Unlearning) Network (P-FUN) is a brand-new network founded in response to the expressed need of facilitator-type folks for a community of support and connection around our work. We define facilitators broadly as anyone who works with groups of people toward the shared purpose of deepening connection, cultivating growth, and generally seeking to make the world a more compassionate and joyful place for everyone. This may include (but is not limited to) those who facilitate groups as teachers, youth program leaders, ropes course facilitators, mental health professionals, DEI consultants, organizational development trainers, restorative justice facilitators, retreat leaders, coaches, school administrators, or any other aligned roles (professional or not!). Our vision is to bring together facilitators from diverse realms of experience so that the magic of connection and cross-pollination might occur.

What is a Play Lab?

As a first step in building this community, we are launching a monthly gathering for those who are interested in connecting to the network! These “Play Labs” will be an opportunity for facilitators to connect with each other, learn new activities and approaches to working with groups, dig into rich conversations, and get feedback and insight from a meeting of brilliant minds. We will meet for 2.5 hours on the first Thursday of each month, alternating between TaborSpace in the cooler months and Laurelhurst park during the warmer times. We are asking folks to donate $10 to contribute to the costs of renting the space, but will not turn anyone away for lack of funds.

The structure and flow of these monthly gatherings will be co-created by those who attend them!

We are currently envisioning some combination of the following elements:

  • Community and relationship-building: to build our own connections and to be exposed to new activities or others’ ways of facilitating familiar activities!
  • Workshop or practice space: for those who want to try out new approaches or activities with a supportive and engaged group, develop a half-formed idea, and/or get feedback from the group
  • Activity share: bring your tried and true go-to activities and spread the love!
  • Topic discussions: exploring common theoretical or practical elements of the work (i.e. group agreements, zones of comfort, inclusion + accessibility, managing personalities, etc)
  • Informal social time!

When you RSVP to the event you'll receive an email confirming the location for that months' event and any other relevant details.

Reach out to the host if you have questions, but to answer your first one: yes, this is for you. Come and check it out.

We look forward to learning and playing with you!

The P-FUN Play Lab was created as a collaboration between Jo Linden (lindenconnects.com) and Iggy Perillo (wslleadership.com).

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