Operation Free and The Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for Public Policy and the Social Sciences present: The Burden

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Operation Free and The Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for Public Policy and the Social Sciences present: The Burden

By Truman National Security Project

Date and time

Tuesday, January 19, 2016 · 6 - 9pm EST


Filene Auditorium at Moore Hall

3 Maynard St Hanover, NH 03755


Operation Free, in partnership with

The Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for Public Policy and the Social Sciences,

cordially invites you to a special screening of:


Fossil Fuel, the Military, and National Security


Mayor Greg Ballard
Former Mayor of Indianapolis

Marine Corps Veteran

Michael Breen, D’02
Executive Director, Truman National Security Project

Iraq War Veteran

The Honorable Sharon Burke
Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy

TUESDAY, January 19th, 2016

Reception 6:00 – 7:00 PM | Film & Panel Discussion 7:00 – 8:30 PM

Moore Hall at Dartmouth College

Reception - Foyer

Film & Panel Discussion – Filene Auditorium

Please RSVP by Sunday, January 17th, 2016

Operation Free, a non-partisan initiative of Truman National Security Project, in coordination with Dartmouth College, invites you to attend a special screening of the documentary film, “THE BURDEN: Fossil Fuels, the Military, and National Security,” at Moore Hall, in order to clearly illustrate how the U.S. military is uniquely positioned to bolster a clean energy economy that will strengthen our national, economic, and environmental security. Following the film will be a panel discussion, focusing on points raised within the short film and discussing how the state of New Hampshire and institutions such as Dartmouth College play a significant role in furthering energy security in the U.S.

This feature-length documentary is the first of its kind to shed light on how fossil fuel dependence has become "our greatest long-term national security threat." Because of this, the military is at the forefront of transitioning to clean energy in order to prevent this "threat multiplier" from putting our men and women in uniform deployed around the world at greater risk.

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Sales Ended