Monthly Ministry Leaders Gathering

Monthly Ministry Leaders Gathering

Join PNCC to meet faith leaders from across NC who support public education for encouragement, idea-sharing, and connction.

By Pastors for NC Children



About this event

  • 1 hour

This monthly gathering on the first Wednesday from 10:00 - 11:00 AM is a time for faith leaders, Mission Amplify participants, and anyone who cares about supporting public education from a faith perspective to gather. We share ideas, encourage one another in this work, and connect for further action. We support our public schools and the most vulnerable children they serve because we are called to love our neighbors.

The Zoom link for the meeting is the same for each month, so you can reuse the link each month and don't need to register for a new "ticket" each time. The Zoom link will be sent via email after you register.

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