Magical Meditation

Magical Meditation

You'll be guided every step through meditations and will receive an energy healing to make you feel relaxed and peaceful.

By Lucy Pritchett



About this event

  • 1 hour

Let someone else hold you for a while!

Release your stress, anxiety, and worries as you're lead through meditations, sent an energy healing, and/or given a card reading for the month. Leave feeling at peace, energized, and renewed!

Each month is a little different and may include:

  • Breathwork
  • Guided Meditations
  • Card Readings
  • An Intuitively Created Meditation
  • A Group Energy Healing
  • Answering Your Questions about meditation, energy healing, or being sensitive and empathic

There is plenty of time for you to make special healing requests and receive intuitive guidance both individually and as a group.

We meet on the 4th Thursday of every month! You'll be energetically held! You will have the space to relax and release, and, in turn, reconnect with yourself. You'll receive an intuitively guided meditation for the energies of the month and a group healing that will help you sleep better, feel more energized, and gain clarity in your life.

A sample evening: A card reading for the month and the new season, healing and soothing your nervous system, and an intuitively guided meditation and healing for the group.

Bring any questions you have. Being empathic, sensitive, and intuitive is welcomed, and if you have any questions about that, you can bring those as well!

Hi, I'm Lucy Pritchett! I help highly sensitive people connect to and protect their energy so they can help others. Your energy drain, anxiety, and overwhelm comes from picking up and taking on energies from other people, places, and situations. I teach you practical tools to protect you from the energies constantly bombarding you. You'll learn how to tune out the noise and tune into your intuition. You'll sleep better, have more energy, and know a few moments of peace!

For more information about me, visit my web page at

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