Looking for Edible Garden Volunteers

Looking for Edible Garden Volunteers

We are looking for people who have passion in gardening and even budding garden enthusiast to come help us out at our garden.

By Tony the Farmer

Select date and time


Roof Top Garden @ 506

506 Yishun Avenue 4 Singapore, 760506 Singapore

About this event

  • Event lasts 3 hours

    Come visit our community garden and help us out on basic garden chores like weeding, composting preps, harvesting, soil mixing, watering. Produces from our garden goes to our community fridge which helps our needy family. Come give us your time and energy and give back to the society, come also to learn how we can work towards Singapore 30-30 goal to be self sustainable and grow our own food. See you!

    Frequently asked questions

    Can young children visit?

    Young children should be always accompanied by an adult.

    Can we just visit and explore the garden

    Feel free to come and look at what we are growing, no obligation to participate in any activities.

    Do we need to have any gardening experience?

    No experience is required, all volunteering task will be guided.

    What do we need to bring?

    For our rooftop garden volunteering, it's advised to bring a hat for sun protection, wear breathable clothes with long sleeve, and carry a water bottle. Long pants, covered shoes, and gardening gloves are optional but recommended for comfort.

    Is the place wheel chair or PMA friendly?

    Our garden is wheel chair or PMA friendly with ramp and paved floors.

    Can we arrange for a larger volunteering group?

    We are open to hosting of groups, just contact us via email to enquire.

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