Leetcode Practice Data Structures and Algorithms Study Session

Leetcode Practice Data Structures and Algorithms Study Session

Join our online Leetcode Practice Data Structures and Algorithms Study Session to level up your coding skills for technical interviews.

By TechPrepJourney



About this event

  • 2 hours

Leetcode Practice Data Structures and Algorithms Study Session

Join us for an exciting online study session focused on practicing data structures and algorithms on Leetcode. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer, this event is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their problem-solving skills.

During this study session, we will dive deep into various data structures and algorithms commonly asked in coding interviews. This is a study session where we will take turns through solving Leetcode problems, and provide valuable tips and tricks to improve your problem-solving techniques.

Participating in this event will not only help you gain confidence in tackling coding challenges but also provide an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share the dream of landing a role in FAANG or Tier-1 company.

Key Features:

  • Solve questions in a live environment, just like during your technical interviews.
  • Think out loud, get live feedback.
  • Beginner friendly.
  • Focus on practicing data structures and algorithms on Leetcode.
  • Guidance from experienced engineers.
  • Tips and tricks for problem-solving.
  • Network with like minded fellows preparing for their coding interviews.

Don't miss out on this chance to sharpen your coding skills and prepare for coding interviews. Register now and get ready to tackle those DSA questions like a pro!

Frequently asked questions

What is the format of this session?

You will be given a question and asked to explain your thought process. We will guide you in coming up with an optimal solution and discuss time and space complexities. Which will help you sharpen your skills. We will be solving 4-5 questions in one session.

Do I need prior knowledge of data structures and algorithms?

No, this session is for everyone. Be ready to code in front of small audience in an interview-like situation.

What questions will be covered?

We will cover most commonly asked Leetcode questions from topics like Stacks, Queues, Trees, Graph, Dynamic Programming, Arrays, Strings, Backtracking, Math, Bit Manifulation, Sliding Window, Trie, Heap. There is no order to the questions but order to the topics.

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