KY Watershed Network weekly office hours
Ticket sales end soon

KY Watershed Network weekly office hours

Are you working to improve water quality in your community? Join KWA'sKWN weekly office hours to ask questions, network, or offer resources.

By Kentucky Waterways Alliance



About this event

  • 1 hour

Informal office hours are for, but certainly not limited to, watershed/friends of group seeking information and resources. We may not have the answers right away but we are committed to finding the answers to help each group. This is also a networking opportunity for groups/individuals to connect and help one another. Come and see what there is to learn and let us know what you are working on and what your greatest needs are in your watershed so we can meet you where you're at. This is informal, come and go as needed/desired.

Wednesdays 2-3pm EST Weekly Office hours Zoom link:

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