Heal Emotional Eating with Self_Compassion

Heal Emotional Eating with Self_Compassion

Can you picture a life where food is not a constant battle? Self-Compassion is a new way to improve your relationship with food & yourself.

By Erica Thomas

Date and time

September 7 · 10am - October 26 · 11:30am PDT



Refund Policy

Refunds up to 1 day before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.


10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Week 1: A Roadmap For our Journey

In this first session we will build ourselves a roadmap for healing Emotional Eating. We will look at where we have been, where we want to go, and look at some tools that will help us get there.

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Week 2: Bringing Self Compassion to your Beliefs

In week 2 we will start to look at our beliefs about ourselves and how they have been helping or hindering our healing.

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Week 3: Who Have I Been

In Week 3 we will look at the part of yourself that eats emotionally vs. the healthy part of you, who knows how to heal. We will learn some tools that will support your healthy self.

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Week 4: New Stories and Beliefs

Week 4 is when we start to develop some NEW beliefs that support your healthy Self and a healthier way of living.

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Week 5: Activating A NEW You

Week 5 is where we learn a powerful tool to activate your NEW Healthy self on a daily basis. Change happens here!

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Week 6: Gratitude

Week 6 is where we explore the power of gratitude and how it supports your healing.

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Week 7: Dealing with Shame

I know the title of this session may cause you to pause, but that's why we do the other work first. After this session you will have superpowers to cope with shame when it comes up.

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Week 8: Building Community

Research has shown that the number 1 predictor of a person's resilience is the strength of their community. By the end of this session you will have a plan for implementing your Self-Compassion tools...

About this event

  • 49 days 1 hour

Embark on a Journey to Freedom:

The Ultimate Course to Break Free from Nighttime Snacking, Sugar binges, and Stress Eating.

Emotional eating involves using food to cope with strong emotions, stress or boredom.

It manifests as impulsive or binge eating. At first you feel relief, but then guilt or shame set in, and you vow to never eat like this again.

If this resonates with you, please keep reading.

About This Course:

I know you've tried many things before, and it feels like nothing has given you lasting relief.

So why will this course be different?

This course offers an approach that recognizes the transformative power of self-compassion.

I know that without the gentle embrace of self-compassion, breaking free from emotional eating can seem like an impossible challenge.

Through my carefully crafted curriculum, I guide you in soothing the critical inner voice, creating a nurturing space where your true healing can begin.

When we quiet that inner critic, we tap into a wellspring of self-awareness and intuition, discovering what we truly need to mend our relationship with food.

Join us on this journey of self-discovery and experience the profound impact of self-compassion in reclaiming control over your emotional well-being.

The Benefits of Self-Compassion on Emotional Eating

As we embrace self-compassion, we can experience numerous benefits in our relationship with food and ourselves:

1. Reduced Emotional Eating: By responding to our emotions with kindness and understanding, we lessen the impulse to turn to food for emotional relief.

2. Improved Emotional Resilience: Self-compassion fosters emotional resilience, allowing us to navigate challenging situations with greater ease and grace.

3. Enhanced Body Awareness: Mindful self-compassion enhances our body awareness, helping us distinguish between emotional hunger and physical hunger cues.

4. Positive Body Image: Embracing self-compassion enables us to accept and appreciate our bodies, regardless of their shape or size, leading to a healthier body image.

I'm Erica,

a licensed Psychotherapist and I have struggled with weight and compulsive eating myself. I always thought that if I could just lose the weight my life would be great! When I finally did lose a significant amount of weight, I discovered that it was just the beginning of my journey.

I realized that what I really needed was to heal my relationship with food and my body. I have found the same to be true with my students, the more they are able to practice self-compassion the happier and healthier they are in their lives.

This is an 8-week program

All sessions will occur on Saturdays, starting on Saturday February 10, 2024 thru March 30, 10:00AM-11:30AM PST. All sessions will be recorded so that you can go back and review or watch the session on your own schedule.

Limited group size

To foster an environment of genuine connection and focused attention, I deliberately limit the group size to just 10 individuals.

This intimate setting allows for personalized guidance and meaningful interactions, ensuring that every participant receives the individualized support they deserve. It also creates a safe space where you can openly share your experiences and concerns, knowing that you'll be heard and understood.

With a small, tight-knit group, you'll not only benefit from expert guidance but also form meaningful connections with fellow participants, making your journey towards healing emotional eating with self-compassion all the more impactful and transformative.

In this workshop, you'll realize you're not alone.

You'll get all of your questions answered and learn from others' experience.

You'll have the accountability of a scheduled time for yourself to do this work.

Don't underestimate what you can do in 8 weeks with the right teacher. Please give yourself the chance by registering for this course right now.

The TOTAL cost for the whole program is $497.

What you else will get:

Early Registration Bonus:

*If you register before 1/27/24 you will get a bonus session to meet others in the course and begin setting your intention for the 8 weeks.


* 12 hrs. of live instruction with me. This means that the course will be informed by your specific needs.

** Unlimited email access to me with any questions you have along the way.

* Lifetime access to the recordings so that you can review and watch the sessions on your own time.

* Invaluable support and perspective from other group members.

*Specialized Journaling prompts to help you cultivate Mindfulness and change your eating patterns.

** PLUS 4 FREE sessions of the Self-Love Hive to support your continued progress. (Self-Love Hive sessions will be 1 hr. each. live with a recording sent to you afterwards. Dates to be determined)

Discover what past students have to say about their life-changing journey...

Frequently asked questions

How is Self-Compassion different from other things I have tried?

When we feel bad we turn to food, then we feel even worse for overeating. We need to interrupt that vicious cycle. What if when we feel bad we turn to self-compassion instead? The same nurturing and support we would provide to a loved one who is struggling, we learn to give ourselves that same love.

Will I lose weight on this program?

This program is designed to be a sustainable solution to Emotional Eating, compulsive eating, or binge eating, it is not designed to be a weight loss program. However, as you start to eat less you may experience weight loss.

What IS Self-Compassion exactly?

Kristin Neff has 3 core components of Self-Compassion. Self-Kindness, treating myself with the same kindness I would give a Loved one. Common humanity, learning that I am not alone in my struggles. Mindfulness, creating a mindful pause and learning other ways to soothe my emotions.

What if I can't attend all of the sessions?

All of the sessions will be recorded so you can listen to the session at a time that works for you.

Organized by

I am a licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT) in the Bay Area with over a decade of practice experience. Together we will explore our relationship to food and our bodies in a comfortable, safe, non-judgemental space. Every day in my work, I teach people Mindfulness skills to help them deal with emotional challenges and compulsive behaviors. As someone who has dealt with my own compulsive eating I am passionate about helping people deal with this issue in a way that is empowering and loving. Read about my story Or follow me on Instagram My Instagram
