Embodied Breathwork with Nicole Ferro
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Embodied Breathwork with Nicole Ferro

Unleash your inner power! Embodied Breathwork heals, unlocks emotions & boosts self-discovery. Breathe easy, live free.

By Behind the Lids Healing Collective

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Behind the Lids Healing Collective

1733 Monrovia Avenue #unit L Costa Mesa, CA 92627

About this event

  • 1 hour


Embodied breathwork is a holistic practice that focuses on the breath as a means to access and integrate different aspects of the self—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It combines conscious breathing techniques with mindfulness, movement, and somatic awareness to promote healing, self-discovery, and personal growth. This approach is rooted in the belief that the breath is a powerful tool for unlocking suppressed emotions, releasing tension, and connecting with one’s inner wisdom. Embodied breathwork has a wide range of effects on individuals, including increased self-awareness, emotional release, stress reduction, and a sense of connectedness with oneself, others, and their spirituality. It can be used as a therapeutic tool for personal growth, healing from trauma, and spiritual exploration. Embodied Breathwork was developed by Nichole Ferro.

Conscious Breathing: Participants are guided to breathe consciously, often using specific patterns or rhythms of breathing. This can involve deep, rhythmic, or circular breathing techniques. Conscious breathing helps increase oxygenation, improve energy flow, and activate the relaxation response.

Somatic Awareness and Unwinding: Somatic refers to the body and its sensations. Embodied breathwork encourages individuals to become more aware of bodily sensations, tensions, and emotions as they arise during the breathing process. This awareness can lead to a deeper understanding of one’s physical and emotional state.

Emotional Release: The process of expressing and letting go of pent-up or intense emotions in a healthy and constructive manner. It is a natural and necessary aspect of emotional well-being and can be achieved in various breathing practices. Emotional release resets the nervous system and helps to release tension associated with anxiety, depression or stress.

Movement Tools: In Embodied Breathwork, certain movement patterns and tools are offered to support the body in processing. These movements gently help to release physical and emotional blockages, discomfort, and pain stored in the body.

Mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques are often incorporated to help individuals stay present and non-judgmentally observe their thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations as they arise during the practice.

Shamanic Elements: In an Embodied Breathwork session shamanic elements such as incorporating symbols and imagery, storytelling and mythology, spiritual teachings, ritual and ceremony, various healing practices, and connecting with nature.

Intuitive Support: Providing assistance or help in a way that is intuitively guided and requires little effort or cognitive strain. The facilitator supports the participants using their innate wisdom and intuition to create a safe and healing environment.

Facilitated Sessions: Embodied breathwork is often done in a group or individual setting led by a trained facilitator. The facilitator guides participants through the process, offering support and creating a safe space for exploration.

Integration: After the breathwork session, there is a period of integration where participants have the opportunity to reflect on their experiences, share insights, and discuss how to apply what they’ve learned to their daily lives.

Nichole Ferro leads Women’s Breathwork and Guided Meditation every Wednesday at 7pm as well as the monthly Power of Three. She is a trauma informed Registered Yoga Teacher and Educator (E-RYT 500hr+), certified Womb Medicine Woman®, Psychosomatic Trauma Recovery Coach, Certified Holistic Health and Spiritual coach, Reiki Master and Women's Embodiment Mentor. Feeling aligned on her path has been a process of wounding and healing and it is through the various practices of deep healing where she continues to find her way home to herself. She is a practitioner of self-development and personal growth and has trained under renowned teachers all over the world. She guides others in healing practices such as: Shamanic Journeying, Soul Retrieval, Womb Healing, Menstrual Cycle Coaching, Ceremonies, Meditation, Breathwork, Energy Healing, Psychosomatic Therapy, Inner Child work, and yoga. Her passion is to help others in the recovery process, reconnect with themselves and the world while using their strengths to build a life they love living.

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Behind the Lids Healing Collective is here to connect like minded individuals with a desire to heal and be seen in a safe, non-judgmental environment. Our mission is to offer a safe container and setting for all those who walk through the doors to discover who they are on a deeper level. Our hope is that the community will find the benefit of being honest about where they are in their own individual journeys. To feel safe enough to speak that truth, which will eliminate the illusions that exist in this world that contribute to separation consciousness.