Drum Your Soul Awake
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Drum Your Soul Awake

"Drum Your Soul Awake" is a transformative 5-week course tailored for individuals who feel hesitant about making noise yet yearn to unleash

By Mama Yama of Primal Prayer

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Thursday, June 6 · 4:30 - 6pm PDT



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About this event

  • 1 hour 30 minutes

Have you felt Dormant in your life?

Have you felt like there is a spark missing?

Have you felt disconnected from your voice and body?

Is there something nudging you to reconnect to your soul?

Well, I got the remedy for you. I have suffered from depression, anxiety, uncertainty, and lack of focus, with an overall feeling of being lost. Not sure of what this feeling was I realized all of those emotions came from a lack of being in my playful purpose. I had forgotten how to connect to what brings me the most joy and live a life where I can have a deep connection to my internal rhythms. So I began to listen and the message was DRUM, SING, and DANCE!

"Drum Your Soul Awake" is a transformative 5-week course tailored for individuals who feel hesitant about making noise yet yearn to unleash their inner rhythms and liberate their soul's song through the ancient practices of shamanic drumming, chanting, and movement. Guided by experienced facilitators, this unique journey invites participants to embrace their desire for rewilding and awakening.

Throughout the course, participants are gently guided through exercises designed to help them overcome their fears and inhibitions surrounding vocal expression and drumming. Through supportive and nurturing environments, individuals gradually learn to let go of self-imposed limitations and tap into the primal power of their voice and rhythm.

Each week, the course explores different themes relating to self-liberation and soul expression, weaving together shamanic drumming rhythms, vocal empowerment exercises, and guided meditations. Participants embark on an inner journey of self-discovery, shedding layers of inhibition and reconnecting with their innate creative essence.

By the end of the course, participants emerge with newfound confidence in their ability to express themselves authentically through voice and rhythm. They experience a deep sense of liberation as they unleash their soul's song, reconnecting with their true essence and experiencing a profound rewilding awakening.

"Drum Your Soul Awake" offers a safe and nurturing space for individuals to explore their inner landscape, transcend self-limiting beliefs, and embark on a journey of soul liberation and self-expression.

*This outline provides a tentative structured approach to cover the key elements of shamanic drumming, primal movement embodiment, and voice activation in a workshop setting. Adjustments can be made based on the desired duration and specific goals of the workshop.*

I. Introduction

  • Welcome and Opening Ritual

II. Session 1: Shamanic Drumming

  • Explanation of Shamanic Drumming
  • History and Cultural Context
  • Benefits of Shamanic Drumming
  • Guided Group Drumming Session

III. Session 2: Primal Movement Embodiment

  • Understanding Primal Movement
  • Connecting with Your Body's Natural Rhythms
  • Guided Primal Movement Exercises
  • Group Exploration and Expression
  • Reflection and Sharing

IV. Session 3: Voice Activation

  • Importance of Voice Activation in Self-Discovery
  • Vocal Warm-ups and Techniques
  • Expressive Voice Activation Exercises
  • Group Chanting and Toning
  • Sharing Personal Vocal Journeys

V. Integration Session

  • Bringing Together Drumming, Movement, and Voice
  • Group Integration Activity
  • Reflection on the Overall Experience
  • Q&A and Discussion

VI. Closing

  • Gratitude and Acknowledgments
  • Information on Continued Practices
  • Invitation for Further Exploration
  • Closing Remarks

Week 2: Connecting to Ancestral Rhythms: Honoring Ancestral Wisdom

I. Introduction

  • Welcome and Opening Ritual
  • Overview of Theme
  • Setting Intentions for Connection

II. Session 1: Ancestral Rhythms Through Shamanic Drumming

  • Understanding Ancestral Rhythms
  • Historical and Cultural Context
  • Connecting with Ancestral Spirits
  • Group Shamanic Drumming Session
  • Reflection and Sharing Experiences

III. Session 2: Primal Movement Embodiment and Ancestral Connection

  • Exploring Ancestral Movements
  • Connecting with Body Wisdom
  • Guided Primal Movement Exercises Rooted in Ancestral Practices
  • Group Movement Exploration
  • Sharing Insights and Ancestral Connections

IV. Session 3: Voice Activation for Ancestral Wisdom

  • Harnessing the Power of Ancestral Voices
  • Vocal Practices for Connection
  • Group Chanting and Toning Rooted in Ancestral Traditions
  • Individual Voice Activation Exercises
  • Sharing Personal Vocal Journeys and Ancestral Encounters

V. Integration Session: Blending Ancestral Elements

  • Bringing Together Drumming, Movement, and Voice in Ancestral Harmony
  • Group Integration Activity Rooted in Ancestral Practices
  • Reflection on the Ancestral Wisdom Uncovered

VI. Closing Ancestral Circle

Q&A and Group Discussion

  • Gratitude and Acknowledgments to Ancestral Spirits
  • Sharing Ancestral Blessings
  • Invitation to Carry Ancestral Wisdom Forward
  • Closing Remarks

Week 3 Nature's Rhythms and The Elements

Theme: Harmonizing with the Natural World

I. Introduction

  • Welcome and Opening Connection with Nature
  • Overview of Week 3's Theme: Harmonizing with the Natural World
  • Setting Intentions for Connecting with Nature's Rhythms and Elements

II. Session 1: Understanding Nature's Rhythms

  • Exploring the Concept of Nature's Rhythms
  • Observing and Appreciating Natural Cycles (e.g., Seasons, Lunar Phases)
  • How Nature's Rhythms Influence Human Well-being
  • Guided Nature Observation Exercise

III. Session 2: Honoring the Elements

  • Introduction to the Five Elements (Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Spirit)
  • Symbolism and Significance of Each Element in Various Cultures
  • Connecting with the Elements Through Meditation or Visualization
  • Group Reflection on Elemental Connections

IV. Session 3: Practices for Harmonizing with Nature

  • Nature-Based Mindfulness and Meditation Techniques
  • Elemental Rituals for Balance and Alignment
  • Hands-on Activities Incorporating Nature's Elements (e.g., Earth Art, Water, Fire Rituals)
  • Sharing Personal Experiences of Harmonizing with Nature

V. Techniques for Deepening Nature Connection

  • Nature Immersion Practices
  • Elemental Movement Sequences
  • Sound Healing with Natural Elements

VI. Integration Session: Embodying Nature's Rhythms

  • Group Activity to Integrate Nature's Rhythms and Elemental Connections
  • Reflective Sharing on Insights Gained and Experiences Felt
  • Setting Intentions for Continued Harmonization with Nature

Week 4: Rhythmic Healing and Empowerment. -

Theme: Transformative Rhythms of Life

I. Introduction

  • Welcome and Recap
  • Setting Intentions for the Session

II. Exploring Shamanic Drumming

  • Understanding the Shamanic Drum
  • Role of Drumming in Shamanic Practices

III. Movement and Flow

  • Embodied Expression Through Movement
  • Connecting with Inner Rhythms
  • Freeform Dance and Drumming

IV. Chanting for Healing and Empowerment

  • Exploring Sacred Chants and Mantras
  • Harmonizing Voices with Drum Beats
  • Channeling Energy Through Vocalization

V. Guided Drumming Journey

  • Preparation for Journeying
  • Setting Sacred Space
  • Drumming Meditation for Healing and Empowerment

VI. Integration and Reflection

  • Sharing Experiences and Insights
  • Reflecting on the Transformative Power of Rhythms
  • Setting Intentions for Personal Practice

VII. Closing Ceremony

Gratitude Circle

Week 5: Initiation of Drum

I. Opening Intention and Ritual

  • Invocation and Offering to the Creator of Music and Sound
  • Setting Intentions for Drum Initiation and Activation
  • Humbling Ourselves to Serve in Harmony with Life's Cycles
  • Guided Meditation and Self-Check-in with Release

II. Understanding Drum Initiation in Ancient Cultures

  • Selection of Materials and Craftsmanship
  • Ritual Preparation and Sanctification of the Drum
  • Ceremonial Invocation and Symbolic Actions
  • Personal Bonding with the Drum

III. Question Reflection: Connecting with Your Drum's Purpose

  • Reflecting on Initial Motivations for Drumming
  • Considering Your Drum's Potential Messages and Intentions
  • Feeling the Drum's Essence and Energy
  • Initiating Dialogue with Your Drum

IV. Connecting to the Drum

  • Extending Heart Energy into the Drum
  • Expressing Gratitude and Appreciation to the Drum
  • Making Introductions and Establishing Personal Connection
  • Initiating the Drum with Breath and Gentle Touch

V. Evoking the Drum's Energy*

  • Observing Nature and Drawing Inspiration
  • Infusing the Drum with Earth Energy
  • Mixing Energies and Setting Intentions
  • Establishing Connection with Pachamama and Elemental Forces

VI. Drumming Practices for Healing and Harmony

  • Breathwork Drumming for Grounding and Centering
  • Body Drumming for Self-Healing and Alignment
  • Playing Elemental Rhythms with the Drum
  • Singing and Vocalizing in Harmony with the Drum

VII. Closing Ceremony: Embracing the Drum's Sacredness

  • Honoring the Drum, Movement, and Voice
  • Closing Blessings and Wishes for Continued Growth

This online course is tailored for you if you experience any of the following:

  • Desiring a space to express joy
  • Seeking holistic approaches to healing and personal growth
  • Looking for a connection to your sacred sensual magical self :)
  • Chronic stress or anxiety that affects your daily life :(
  • Emotional turmoil or difficulty managing your emotions
  • Physical tension or discomfort that impacts your well-being
  • Feeling disconnected from your inner self or spiritual essence
  • Looking for support in your self-expression
  • Longing for a sense of community and support on your journey
  • Desire to explore ancient wisdom and practices for modern living

Shamanic drumming, chanting, and movement are integral practices in various indigenous cultures around the world. They offer numerous benefits, both physical and spiritual. Here are some of the benefits associated with each practice:

Shamanic Drumming:

1. Altered States of Consciousness: The rhythmic beating of the drum induces trance-like states, allowing souls to access deeper levels of consciousness and connect with spiritual realms.

2. Healing: Shamanic drumming is believed to facilitate emotional, psychological, and physical healing by helping individuals release blockages, trauma, and negative energy.

3. Spiritual Connection: Drumming can aid in journeying, allowing practitioners to connect with spirit guides, ancestors, and other divine beings for guidance and wisdom.

4. Grounding and Centering: The repetitive nature of drumming can promote relaxation, grounding, and a sense of inner peace, helping drummers to stay present in the moment.

5. Community Bonding: Drum circles and group drumming sessions foster a sense of community, belonging, and unity among participants, promoting social connection and support.


1. Vibrational Healing: Chanting produces specific vibrations that resonate within the body, promoting physical and energetic healing at the cellular level.

2. Stress Reduction: Chanting repetitive sounds or mantras can induce a meditative state, reducing stress, anxiety, and promoting relaxation.

3. Emotional Release: Chanting allows individuals to express emotions and release tension, leading to emotional catharsis and a sense of emotional well-being.

4. Spiritual Connection: Chanting sacred sounds or mantras can deepen spiritual connections, invoking divine energies, and facilitating spiritual growth and transformation.

5. Mindfulness and Focus: Chanting requires concentration and focus on the present moment, promoting mindfulness and inner awareness.


1. Physical Health: Movement practices such as dance, yoga, or qigong promote physical fitness, flexibility, strength, and overall well-being.

2. Energy Flow: Movement activates the body's energy centers (chakras) and meridians, promoting the flow of vital energy (qi or prana) throughout the body, which supports health and vitality.

3. Emotional Expression: Movement provides a medium for emotional expression, allowing individuals to release pent-up emotions, stress, and tension stored in the body.

4. Creative Expression: Movement encourages creativity and self-expression, allowing individuals to express their unique essence and connect with their inner creativity.

5. Spiritual Connection: Movement practices can deepen spiritual connections by facilitating embodiment, grounding, and alignment with higher states of consciousness.

I created this course so that you can also tap into this magic because guess what? We all have it within us. We all can step into the life we've always wanted.

But it takes action, it takes persistence, and it truly is about choosing yourself and rediscovering your inner rhythm, voice, and movement. Sign up for my course and let your voice be heard <3

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