Cambridge Meditation Group
Ticket sales end soon

Cambridge Meditation Group

Join us every Friday at The Foundry in Cambridge for a free, inclusive meditation session

By The Foundry

Select date and time


The Foundry

101 Rogers Street Cambridge, MA 02142

About this event

  • 45 minutes

There is a lack of free spaces for meditation or that are not affiliated with any particular religion or ideology. This lack of accessible and inclusive meditation spaces can be problematic, as meditation can be an incredibly valuable tool for managing stress, anxiety. Discover how the organizer’s own experience with long Covid and the need for human connection without an agenda, inspired her to promote this free weekly meditation event.

Join us every Friday at The Foundry in Cambridge for free, inclusive meditation sessions from 5:20 pm to 6:00 pm, aimed at helping people start their weekend feeling refreshed and connected. These series are 100% free.

These weekly sessions are NOT affiliated with any particular religion or ideology. Our aim is to provide a space for people to start the weekend feeling fresh and centered, and to experience the benefits of meditation.

During the session, attendees will have the opportunity to relax and focus their minds, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety. By taking the time to meditate together, we hope to create a sense of community and connectedness that extends beyond the event itself.


● These events are free. The dance studio has a capacity of 49 people. Please use the registration form to save your spot.

● Yoga mats will be available for those who wish to use them but feel free to bring your own props.No space for storage is available for these so you should take what you bring in.

● No previous meditation experience is necessary - all are welcome to attend and participate in a way that feels comfortable for them.

● Masks are optional but we ask you to please be respectful of your peer’s personal space.

● Doors will be closed 10 minutes into the meditation start time.

● Feel free to bring your family and friends, just make sure to use the sign up form for each


We hope that these weekly sessions will be an example for the community, and that they will continue for years to come.




Maria Perez is organizing these weekly meditation sessions as a civilian and community member, without formal training or certification as a meditation, medical, or wellness professional.The sessions are meant to foster relaxation and connection, not medical treatment or therapy. Before initiating any new wellness or meditation practices, participants should consult with their health providers. These sessions are meant to relax and connect, not replace medical or mental health treatment. Maria Perez and any session organizers are not liable for any injuries, damages, or losses resulting from participation.

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