Business Process Analysis & Design 2 Days Training in Albuquerque, NM

Business Process Analysis & Design 2 Days Training in Albuquerque, NM

Offers: Group of 5 - 10 people 10% Discount, Group of 11 - 20 people 15% Discount

By Mangates


For venue details reach us at

PH: +1 469 666 9332 Albuquerque, NM 87102

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event


Day 1

Business Process Improvement Overview

Develop the Process List

Define the Scope

Draw the Process Model

Estimate Time and Cost

Validate the Process Model

Day 2

Apply Improvement Methods

Establish Controls and Metrics

Test the Process

Evaluate Change Readiness

Perform Continuous Improvement

About this event

  • 8 hours

Certificate: Course Completion Certificate

Language: English

Duration: 2 Days

Credits: 16

Refreshments: Snacks, Beverages and Lunch included in classroom session

Course Delivery: Classroom

Course Description:

This business process improvement course provides you with an opportunity to learn the essential knowledge and skills for applying the most effective and current business analysis techniques when modeling your business, comprehensively analyzing the current state, and subsequently designing the future state. The application of these techniques will be presented as part of an overall framework, as you identify key deliverables and the major steps from modeling and analysis of the current state and future state design.

Course Outline:

Develop the Process List

Every workplace contains business processes, however not all business processes are documented. This section focuses on how to develop a process list. After identifying the business processes, decision-making tools are practiced to consider what is important to the business. These tools include using prioritization and weighting criteria to make decisions based on business needs. Finally, you will discover how to gain support and buy-in from key stakeholders.

Define the Scope

Identifying the scope of the business process is critical for defining the boundaries of the project. In this section you will learn how to identify and document the boundaries of the business process that needs to be improved. Discussion and consideration of overcoming scope creep problems is also reviewed regarding the business process. Finally, you will determine what approvals are necessary before moving into a detailed business analysis.

Draw the Process Model

Process modeling ensures an understanding of the business processes being analyzed. In this section, you will learn the basics of process models, standard charting shapes, and the various levels used to draw business processes. Both visual models and text are practiced in this section to ensure an understanding of the current state, as well as review who needs to be involved in this step.

Estimate Time and Cost

Estimating time and cost for the current state involves analyzing process and cycle time, as well as existing costs to provide a return on investment. Examination of how to determine time and cost estimates for the current state is provided in this section, as well as the specific types of costs to analyze for potential business process improvement.

Validate the Process Model

Reviewing and confirming your analysis of the current state is critical before identifying potential improvements for the desired future state. This section focuses on the correct sequence to perform the validation steps with the project stakeholders. After validation is completed, improvement targets can begin to be identified.

Apply Improvement Methods

Now that the current state has been validated, the course focus begins to shift toward the future state. This section includes applying multiple techniques for proposing changes to the future state by using an extreme visual model. A process is followed to apply six improvement methods to ensure effective analysis work has been applied. Upon completion of analyzing what to improve, you will draw the process model for the proposed future state.

Establish Controls & Metrics

Adding controls to the business process ensures accuracy, reliability and can reduce errors. In this first part of the section, you will identify controls necessary for the future state. Establishing metrics helps ensure effectiveness, efficiency and adaptability of the business process. The second part of this section will help you distinguish which metrics will help evaluate whether the improved business process will work as you planned.

Test the Process

Testing the new or improved business process helps to identify bottlenecks, as well as work out bugs, defects and/or errors. Testing also helps ensure the process meets stated goals and provides for smooth implementation of the business process.

This section will help you identify what needs to be included in testing the proposed future state.

Evaluate Change Readiness

During the analysis process it is critical to consider what the business is trying to accomplish. Evaluating change readiness helps to create strategies for minimizing the change impacts on the workplace, the workers, as well as avoiding distractions.

This section examines change impacts, resistors to change and how to create an implementation plan for the changes identified to the business process.

Perform Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement is an ongoing effort to enhance products, services or processes. This section focuses on how to monitor a business process and make adjustments as necessary so the business process repeatedly gets better over time.

You will learn how to use different root cause analysis techniques to improve business processes and how to put together a continuous improvement plan. Finally, you will monitor data to identify and rank performance problems once the business process has been piloted.

Hands-On Exercises

Target Audience:

Project Managers

  • Operations Research Analysts
  • Business Process Owners and Managers
  • Business and System Analysts, Strategic Planners
  • Process Improvement Specialists, TQM, and Six Sigma Team Members

Consultants & Analysts

  • HR Professionals dealing with the introduction of new skills and processes
  • Requirements Definition Specialists
  • Business Process and Quality Improvement Champions
  • Executives, Senior Management Directors
  • Operations & Accounting Professionals

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the key objectives for business process improvement initiatives
  • Improve your ability to meet your customer's needs
  • Identify opportunities to improve business processes by following a systematic 10-step business improvement process that is simple to follow
  • Use decision-making tools to determine business priorities
  • Create prioritized process lists
  • Identify and document scope while alleviating scope creep
  • Apply the information elicited in the fact gathering process to create and analyze process models
  • Gain the knowledge and skills to estimate process time and cycle time
  • Learn how to estimate business process costs
  • Discover how to clarify and validate the current state of the business process before jumping to solutions
  • Gain the required level of competencies to follow the basic steps in improving business process performance
  • Implement business process improvement methods to bridge toward the design of the future state
  • Apply improvements and refinements by creating the future state process model
  • Assess and select business process performance controls, metrics and targets
  • Refine success measurements from the scope definition document
  • Identify how to test the improved business process
  • Evaluate how prepared the organization is for the changes that will occur to the business process
  • Determine the impact of change on customers and create an implementation plan
  • Use root cause analysis techniques to apply continuous improvement principles
  • Specify how to perform continuous improvement tactics on business processes and implementing a business process

Writing a CV Workshop: In this day and age, everyone requires a CV. This makes these training suitable for people from every walk of life, including; those applying for internal positions within an organisation, those looking for external roles or even those that have never had a job role. They really are that flexible.

This training will help develop the CV writing skills of your participants and ensure you deliver a successful CV Writing Skills training course.

Expert Training Materials to Help Write a CV and Cover Letter

Account Management Workshop: Account Management is an important role within any organisation. Account Managers are responsible for nurturing customer relationships and increasing sales with their organisation’s key customers. The Account Manager will usually act as a first point of contact for clients; responding to complaints, purchases, project requests and any general queries. Their approach should help maintain client relationships in order to ensure that they continue to use the company for business.

This Account Management training materials are suitable for anyone that works in an account management role or relevant sales function and will assist the participants in improving their working practices, developing customer relationships and in turn increasing business performance and sales success.

Managing a Virtual Team Workshop: Anyone who manages or leads people in a remote or virtual environment would benefit from the training provided by this Managing a Virtual Team training course materials. The course would suit people managing teams that work from home, on the road, at various locations or any other situation where the team is not based in the same place from day to day.

Managing a Virtual Team Training Materials

Managing Virtual Teams has become a hot topic over the last few years. People are now much more likely to work from home, from their car, at alternative locations, or even on the other side of the world, which means managers might rarely see them.

Managing People Workshop: Packed with fun, hands-on activities, this two-day program will help you teach your class four core management fundamentals that are essential for each new line manager and supervisor. From setting clear objectives to monitoring performance to motivating your team, situational leadership and more, the program helps you teach key management concepts with a fun practice activity in each module to help you apply the concepts learned in a fun interactive manner. Additionally, as a wrap-up, participants get to practice what was learned in a skill practice role play activity as a practical review.

Negotiating for Results Workshop: Negotiating is a part of everyday life. We negotiate in our work, with our friends, and even our family members. In this two day class, participants will learn what negotiation is and how to get the most from their personal negotiations. Participants will discover their personality style and how to negotiate effectively with other personality styles. Participants will also explore four strategies for negotiating, and how to apply the four step process for successfully negotiating with other parties.

Vision, Energy & Passion To Serve Workshop: Always putting your customer at the center of your business creates a service driven culture. The best and most successful businesses clearly understood this fact.

This two day customer service training course will motivate participants to become more customer focused and more passionate about delivering outstanding service by understanding the logical and emotional motivations of a customer to buy or continue using a service. participants will learn how to become more flexible communicators who are able to engage better with customers, portray energy, commitment and ownership in each customer interaction.This two day program will energize your staff to deliver world class service that leaves customers with a lasting positive impression.

Workplace Diversity & Inclusion Workshop: Workplace Diversity & Inclusion Training provides participants with a thorough understanding of their role in creating and promoting a safe and welcoming work environment for colleagues and customers. Ensuring that a corporate organization is aware of cultural and organizational bias can provide the foundation for a diverse and inclusive workplace. Employers have a responsibility to create and promote a diverse and inclusive workplace, but what’s more, there is strong evidence to suggest that workplaces that not only participate in, but adopt and encourage diverse and inclusive workplaces have better economic standing and revenue. It behooves an organization to train employees to create and promote, foster and encourage a diverse and inclusive workplace

Creative Problem Solving and Decision Making Workshop: This highly interactive workshop introduces a variety of creative problem solving and decision making tools and techniques. Participants will learn to analyze problems, generate creative solutions, and decide which solution most closely matches their needs. In addition to the numerous activities and exercises throughout the training where participants get to practice the different tools and techniques learned, they will also apply the learning and their problem solving skills on an interesting case study that will take them back to the days of Ancient Egypt and building the great pyramids.

Professional Skills Bootcamp: Effective professionals have the ability to directly influence the performance and success of their respective organizations. But in order to do so, they must first master an array of skills that may be unlike any they have ever used before. The Professional Skills Boot Camp is designed to provide you with just such expertise through an introduction to the competencies that they must master in order to transform themselves into high-performing servant leaders/practitioners.

Performance Management Workshop: Anyone involved in the performance management or appraisal process can take this course. This could include: Directors, Managers, Team Leaders, HR Professionals. This training will help to develop the performance management skills of you.

Expert training to improve Performance Management often treated like a box ticking exercise, effective performance management is actually fundamental to achieving a successful future. Performance management is not a fixed sequence of events, but a continuous process that constantly adapts to the needs of the team.

Motivating People Workshop: A major part of being a leader is about having the ability to motivate and mobilize your team to drive their performance to their full potential. This 1 day course will put you on the right track to give leaders greater confidence and equip them with the most up to date motivation concepts through a number of fun activities and exercises that will empower them to offer their people an “action guide”, a plan, a challenge, a goal or a purpose that they are willing to embrace and carry on to achieve amazing results.

Building High Performing Teams Workshop: A highly engaging one-day training program packed with a plethora of fun activities and games focusing on the key characteristics of high performing teams. The high energy training program will help you equip members of a team with the essential skill set and mind set to be a professional team player in a high performing team in which every individual takes responsibility to be productive, proactive and reliable.

The training program will help you create a more professional, dynamic, effective work team that enjoys the work environment and consistently achieves more.

Financial and Basic Accounting Principles for Project Managers Workshop: This course provides participants with information and tools on how to get a better handle on the important area of financial management. The course addresses finance-related concepts and techniques to effectively manage projects and programs. The course also provides understanding about corporate finance and basic accounting principles. The course covers techniques related to project reporting and decision making, as well as financial indicators and corporate financial reports.

Elements of Risk Management Workshop: The mission of every organization is affected by today’s global economy and the digital era. Organizations are critically dependent on information technology (IT) to better support their business goals. Risk management plays a critical role in protecting an organization’s information assets, and its mission therein, from IT-related risk. An effective risk management process is an important component of a successful IT security program. The principal goal of an organization’s risk management process should be to protect the organization and its ability to perform their mission, not just its IT assets. Therefore, the risk management process should not be treated primarily as a technical function carried out by the IT experts who operate and manage the IT system, but as an essential management function of the organization.

Marketing Essentials Workshop: This training, ‘Marketing Essentials’ covers the basics of marketing and are intended not only for people who are new to a marketing role, but just about anybody in the organisation. A basic understanding of the subject is particularly valuable to people in management, selling and customer service roles.

Effective marketing is vital to ensure the survival and growth of any business. It does not matter whether the business is large or small or what products or services the business supplies, the truth is that effective marketing cannot be ignored and is essential for any successful organisation.

Frequently asked questions

What Does Mangates provide me on the day of the course?

We provide Course Materials, Lunch/Beverages and Course Completion Certificate.

If I cancel my Enrollment, how can I claim my Refund?

You can request a refund by sending an email to and within 7-14 working days you get your money back.

How do I enroll in a course?

You can reach us at or enroll through our website.

Is the course available online or in-person?

We host the training through both the platform, Online and Classroom. The virtual training option can be chosen by busy professionals.

What is the duration of the course?

The duration of the training is 16 hours. The training will run from 9 AM to 5 PM.

Do you provide group discount?

Yes, we do provide great discount for the group registration. To enquire, reach us at

Will I receive a certificate upon completion of the training?

Once you complete the training, you will receive a globally recognized Course Completion Certificate.

Can I switch my registration to different course if required?

Yes. You can switch your registration to a different course with a week prior notice.

Are your instructors are qualified and certified?

Our subject matter experts are from relevant industries and are certified.

How many credits will I be eligible for?

You will be credited with 16 PDUs on completion of this training.

Organized by

Mangates Tech Solutions is one of the Leading Education Industry, We Developed a more advanced, applied level of Training programs. We Designed High Quality Training programs and you can expect the same learning Experience, this made us stand out above the competition.

Early bird discount
From $1,195