Boston Networking Group

Boston Networking Group

Greater Boston Networking Group seeks to bring professionally minded individuals looking to grow their networks and businesses.



About this event

  • 55 minutes

Bi-weekly meetings with the purpose of developing networking connections to increase business generated by members and visitors. A focused agenda with the goal of generating visibility to members, attracting visitors, and boosting the marketing efforts of all involved.

While there are many details that I am working out, and will be requesting participant feedback, these are the main principles I want to follow:

1. The principle objective of the group is to expand your network, and generate business amongst the group members, but remember, in networking, you must always give to receive.

2. We will be hosting virtual events on the first and third Wednesday of each month from 11:00am to 12:00pm.

3. Professionals of every industry are welcome to visit. Your free membership can be established once you have participated in three meetings in a 2 month period, and will require approval from other members.

4. Each seat (profession) will remain exclusive as long as you don’t miss more than 2 consecutive meetings (outside of medical exclusions, or extenuating circumstances). At which point, that seat becomes available for someone else to claim.

5. Meetings will consist of both an open network time (accessed via zoom breakout rooms), and an agenda consisting of members promoting their businesses through short direct commercials, with rotating long form presentations.

6. Every member will be encouraged to continue one to one discussions outside of the regular meetings as appropriate to deepen relationships.

7. Professionalism will always be expected and demanded from every member, and visitor. Any conduct that violates this principle with members, or their extended contacts, may lead to membership and participation removal.

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