Atlanta Video Speed Dating
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Atlanta Video Speed Dating

Swap swipes for real connections at our innovative Video Speed Dating Events. RSVP today and revolutionize your dating experience!

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About this event

  • 1 hour

Dive into the excitement of real-time connections with our city-specific Video Speed Dating Events. Find love in your city from the comfort of your home - here's how it works:

Join the Event: Register for our event! All you need is a iOS or Android device with a good internet connection.

Create Your Profile: After signing up, you'll receive instructions to create your profile. Provide details about yourself and your dating preferences to help us match you with potential partners in your city.

Get Matched: On the day of the event, we'll play cupid by sending you compatible matches based on your profile and preferences.

Date Night: Log into the event at the designated time. You'll meet a series of singles in quick, 4-minute video chats.

Connect or Pass: After each date, you can choose to connect or pass. If both parties choose to connect, we'll provide the means for you to continue your conversation.

Skip the endless swipes and the monotony of texting. Experience authentic, face-to-face interactions and make meaningful connections. RSVP here: Join Date Night.

Frequently asked questions

Is it free to attend?

Yes, it is 100% free to participate!‍

Why are video dates 4 minutes long?

Based on our extensive research, it only takes four minutes to decide whether a person is a potential match. We don't want you to waste your time on bad in-person first dates.

Is this event for all ages?

Our Video Speed Dating Events are designed for adults aged 18 and above. We will match you based on your age preference.

Is this event LGBTQ+ accepting?

Absolutely! Our events are inclusive and respectful of all gender identities and sexual orientations. We believe everyone deserves the chance to find love, and we strive to create a welcoming and safe environment for all participants.

What if I don't connect with anyone during the event?

That's okay! The purpose of these events is to have fun and meet new people. Even if you don't find a match this time, you'll have gained valuable experience and had the chance to make new friends.

How is my privacy protected during these events?

Your privacy is our top priority. We ensure that your contact details remain private until both parties agree to exchange them. Any inappropriate behavior during the event may lead to immediate removal to ensure the safety and comfort of all participants.

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