Zero2016 Outreach Blitz

Zero2016 Outreach Blitz

By Montgomery County ZERO2016 Campaign

Date and time

October 19, 2016 · 8:30pm - October 21, 2016 · 2am EDT


Montgomery County


Following the successful by-name-list development and implementation of our Veterans Zero2016 Campaign, we are now identifying all individuals experiencing chronic homelessness in Montgomery County. The outreach “blitz” is a key component, necessary to achieve our goal of having a thorough by-name-list.

Got potential volunteers at your agency?

With assistance from agency volunteers, our outreach teams will conduct a two day “blitz” in October to search our local streets, woods, and abandoned cars and properties for people experiencing homelessness. Volunteers will participate in an hour long training session and be assigned to teams to search designated areas. Once assigned to teams, the volunteers will work together with their assigned team members for the duration of the outreach blitz. With this said, volunteers must commit to participating in both dates for the outreach blitz

Dates for the "Outreach Blitz":

  • October 19th 8:30pm – 2:00am (Training 8:30-9:30pm + Outreach)

  • October 20th 9:30pm – 2:00am (Outreach)

*Required: Commitment from volunteers for both dates.

Deadline for volunteering: Wednesday, October 12.

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