Zen Meditation and Buddhism Class at Chung Tai Zen Center of Sunnyvale

Zen Meditation and Buddhism Class at Chung Tai Zen Center of Sunnyvale

Free weekly (20 week) course with guided meditation and lecture by Buddhist nuns, great for both newcomers and experienced meditators alike!

By AtlantaZen.org

Date and time

Thursday, June 27 · 7:30 - 9:30pm PDT


Chung Tai Zen Center of Sunnyvale

750 East Arques Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085

About this event

  • 2 hours

Meditation & Chan Buddhism Classes

Each class meeting is for two hours, consisting of guided meditation practice during the first hour, and a lecture on Buddhist principles during the second hour.

All classes are free of charge. Your donations are deeply appreciated.

Level 1:Mindfulness & Fundamentals

20 weeks

Prerequisite: No prerequisite. Beginners welcome!

The meditation portion of the class teaches breath-counting, mindfulness of the breath. Lecture topics include Introduction to Buddhism and Chan(Zen), Karma and Causality, the Four Noble Truths, Three Refuges and Five Precepts.

Chung Tai Zen Center of Sunnyvale and its sister branch, Buddha Gate Monastery in Lafayette (East Bay), were established to encourage and support all people to cultivate a practice rooted in the teachings of Chan (Zen) Buddhism. Chan Buddhism teaches people to attain inner peace through meditation and uncover the inherent wisdom within.

The Zen center welcomes all wishing to seek a true spiritual path to wisdom and inner peace. Classes, offered free to the public, are conducted separately in English and Mandarin, and include meditation sessions designed for both beginners and experienced practitioners. Half-day meditation retreats and ceremonies are regularly held as well. Additional children's course too!

Please register directly via the Zen Center website:

Chung Tai Zen Center of Sunnyvale - Thursdays at 7:30pm, starting June 27, 2024:


Buddha Gate Monastery in Lafayette - classes are underway already, but there is drop-in guided meditation open to all on most Fridays at 7pm


For more meditation groups, visit www.sfzen.org

Frequently asked questions

What should I wear?

We recommend wearing comfortable, looser clothing that is modest out of respect for others. Please wear SOCKS as we take off our shoes before entering the main hall.

How much does it cost?

All the activities at Chung Tai Zen Center of Sunnyvale, including the various meditation classes, weekend retreats, and ceremonies, are offered at no charge.

Who is the teacher?

Our highly experienced and fully ordained nuns undergo years of training and dedicate their lives to Zen Buddhist practice.

Can children attend?

Teenagers are welcome for the adults class, but for young children, we have a separate Family and Kids meditation class on Saturday evenings!

Do I have to be Buddhist to attend?

Everyone is welcome to participate, there is no requirement to "be Buddhist". The teachings are applicable to people of all backgrounds.

Organized by

#MeditateAtlanta is proud to represent Atlanta's Buddhist Community in welcoming all to discover meditation -- relax, focus, and be aware. Cultivate compassion and wisdom. This event is presented by our partners at AtlantaZen.org  For more meditation groups, you can visit our site at
