Youth Mental Health First Aid (must live or work in King County, WA)

Youth Mental Health First Aid (must live or work in King County, WA)

Youth MHFA teaches adults to identify youth mental health/substance use symptoms, provide initial support, & connect to community resources.

By Valley Cities Behavioral Health Care

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About this event

Must be 18 years or older to take this training.

This training is provided for residents of King County, WA, or individuals who work in King County, WA. If you do not live or work in King County, WA and are interested in training, please visit the National Council website to find trainings in your area.

Mental Health First Aid is an interactive virtual course that introduces participants to risk factors and warning signs of mental health issues, and emphasizes that recovery is possible. Participants are taught a five-step action plan to assist someone experiencing a crisis and connect them to appropriate professional care. King County MIDD partners with Valley Cities to offer this training at no cost for residents or employees throughout King County who are over the age of 18.

Youth Mental Health First Aid is a program designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. Youth MHFA teaches parents/caregivers, educators, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help a teen (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health crisis or substance use challenge.

ATTENTION: This virtual training requires a 2-hour pre-work session to be completed prior to attending the virtual, interactive group training led by a qualified instructor. Participation is encouraged by having a camera and microphone on during all virtual courses.

“There was one young lady that had an anxiety attack and I was able to use the tools you gave us, of focus on the face, counting to 10 then after she was able to calm down, she was able to express what she was feeling in her own words!”

— Youth Mental Health First Aider, 2021

Mental Health First Aid training is funded by the King County Mental Illness and Drug Dependency (MIDD) Plan Initiative PRI-07 – Mental Health First Aid. These sessions are open to the public, though space may be limited. Course and course materials are included (a $170 value per participant). This project is supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number SLFRPO152, awarded to King County by the US Department of the treasury.

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