Young Professionals Networking Group - The Golden Grasshoppers

Young Professionals Networking Group - The Golden Grasshoppers

Meet every other Wednesday to share knowledge and referrals. We meet early to maximize efficiency and find people who are truly dedicated.

By Chandelier Valley, Tyler David, Rebecca Guarrero


FREE Bi- Weekly Young Professional Networking Meeting

7801 East Bush Lake Road Minneapolis, MN 55439

About this event

Check out Golden Grasshoppers group in action here!

Welcome professionals, business-owners and entrepreneurs!

Among other things, the grasshopper symbolizes moving forward, which is exactly our mission! This group meets in person twice a month to share experiences, referrals and support to help each other become the best they can be, both in their professional careers and at home! We are a group of like minded individuals that are looking to learn and grow so that we may set ourselves apart in our industries! Just like iron sharpens iron, one man also sharpens another. In turn, we are STRONGER when we go and grow TOGETHER!

We are looking for motivated, young or newer professionals that are interested in growing themselves and building success in their businesses through a system of trusted referrals. Our events consist of open networking, 60-second commercials, discussion questions or a featured presentation, and lastly, sharing experiences and referrals.

This group is FREE to join with 0 fees! The only cost to this group is your time. We are looking for quality professionals that we can feel confident investing our valuable time in. We only allow one member per industry so it is our job and obligation to the group to make sure that spot is filled with someone dedicated to the group.

If growing both personally and professionally is valuable to you, then this group will be just the right fit! Come check us out and see for yourself!

Get in touch:


Phone: 952-358-0664

Address: 7801 E Bush Lake Rd. Bloomington, MN, 55439 (we are in the first floor conference room)

Meeting Times: Every other Wednesday from 7am-8am