You Alright Sis? Radical Self Care for Black Women

You Alright Sis? Radical Self Care for Black Women

By Tatiana Benjamin, Nana Brantuo, Mary Graham Fisher, Jazmin Pichardo, Timea Webster

Date and time

Monday, February 8, 2016 · 6 - 8pm EST


University of Maryland

Stamp Student Union Grand Ballroom Lounge 1209 College Park, MD 20742


Artwork by Ojo Agi from "For sad girls and lonely boys"

“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” - Audre Lorde

Understanding the exhaustion experienced by Black women in the face of multilayered oppression, the purpose of this workshop is

  • To create a healing space through shared stories/experiences.
  • To provide resources that aid in self care and continued growth.
  • To be in community with other black women.
  • To have a baseline understanding of white supremacist capitalist patriarchy
  • to provide strategies of self-preservation and self care in the face of racism, sexism, patriarchy, and misogynoir.

Food and beverages will be provided. We look forward to being in community with you.

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