Yoga & Wine Night

Yoga & Wine Night

Gift yourself an hour to move, breathe and relax. Keep the vibe going by enjoying yummy food and drinks at Mitchell Hill BQ restaurant.

By Heather Reynolds E-RYT 200

Select date and time

Wednesday, June 19 · 6 - 7pm EDT


Mitchell Hill at The Roberge Center

6 Bridge Street Rochester, NH 03867

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event


-Calms my mind

-gives me presence

-energizing not draining

-I can do it anywhere

-not competetive

-easily modified

-always teaches me

-brings awareness

-helps me love my body

-helps me balance within

" Anybody can breathe therefore ANYBODY can do yoga"~ TKV DESIKACHAR

" Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and to endure what cannot be cured."

~BKS Iyengar

"Yoga is the practice of being close to yourself, no matter what is happening within or around you." ~Elena Brown

Frequently asked questions

What should I bring?

A yoga mat, water bottle and a blanket if you want cover up for savasana/relaxation pose at the end of class.

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