YA Chicago Trip

YA Chicago Trip

YA is headed to the Windy City! Pack your bags as we head up north to see the sights and experience what Chicago has to offer.

By West Side Young Adults

Select date and time

June 20 · 6am - June 22 · 10pm CDT



Chicago Chicago, IL

About this event

Travel & Lodging

Here is the high level itinerary:

  • Thursday: Depart St. Louis by train at 6:30am
  • Arrive in Chicago around noon
  • We'll grab lunch and explore downtown
  • Friday: Big Bus Tour of Downtown Chicago
  • Saturday: Return to STL by train around 7pm

Frequently asked questions

When is the last day to sign up?

Since everyone is responsible for booking their own travel & hotel, you can sign up until the day of the trip, provided there is availability. We strongly encourage everyone to book their train ticket and hotel as soon as possible to guarantee your spot.

How much will the trip cost?

The total price will vary. If you share a room with someone your trip could be as little as $565 plus the cost of food. Please note, all travel must be booked individually so the sooner you book your train ticket and hotel the less expensive it may be.

How will we get there?

We will take the Amtrak train. Please book your own ticket at amtrak.com. Departing St. Louis in 6/20/24: 302 Lincoln Service leaves St. Louis at 6:35am Arrives in Chicago at 11:40am Returning to St. Louis 6/22/24: 21 Texas Eagle leaves Chicago at 1:55pm Arrives St. Louis at 7:11pm

At what hotel will we be staying?

La Quinta Inn & Suites by Wyndham Chicago Downtown Check-in: 6/20/24 Check-out: 6:22/24 Feel free to book whatever room fits your style and budget. You are welcome to split the cost of the hotel room by sharing a room with a friend.

Who can come?

Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to join us. Feel free to invite your friends or family who you feel would enjoy this time of Christian fellowship.

What should I bring?

Pack light! We are taking the train and will be doing a lot of walking. Only bring what you can carry. It is about a half mile walk from the train station to the hotel. Pack comfortable shoes. It will be summer but downtown Chicago can get chilly so bring a light jacket.

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