Wow! Free French Quarter Haunted Tour When You Come to This Tarot Party!

Wow! Free French Quarter Haunted Tour When You Come to This Tarot Party!

Authentic Alchemical Style Readings by Life-Long Mystic Dok Lazlo. Free Haunted Tour on the way to Party. Compare to $60 for Reading Alone.

By Port Jolly Roger Entertainment

Select date and time


MRB bar -n- restaurant

515 St. Philip Street New Orleans, LA 70116

About this event

    Please Note: The The Market Price for this Tarot Event is $60 for Adults and $50 for Youths in most Psychic Shops around town and it is also for sale at this price elsewhere on the web. However, in this case, we are allowing you to sign up for it at NO Charge and ask that you make a cash donation of somewhere between $20 and $45 when you show up for the event. This method of a sliding scale / flexible rate donation is offered to work with your budget and to help you make the most of your vacation budget. So, not only do you get the Tarot Party at a rate you can afford but we throw in a Free Haunted French Quarter Walking Tour in addition to this. Look around and you will see that these tours alone are priced anywhere from $25 to $50 by themselves. We hope you will see the value in this Complete New Orleans Entertainment Package.

    Dok Lazlo's Modern Alchemy Tarot is in the vein of the Authentic and Ancient Paths of the Mystic Arts that are closer to what today we might call Personal Transformational Therapy or Creative Life Coaching. It includes aspects of Mythic Story Telling, Interpersonal Astrology, Jungian Psychology, and more to help you to more fully relate to the cards. Unlike your typical "Fortune Telling," it gives you something that you can relate to and that could help you in the here and now, as well as the Future. It is Edifying, as well as, Entertaining. He has worked for major Psychic Shops in the Region and his readings are not only on par with anything else offered around town (at a fraction of the price) but they are often the rave of most who have had the pleasure of experiencing them.

    Coming from a family that goes back to the Original French Colony, Lazlo is well versed in New Orleans History and Local Legends. When not doing his own tours, he often works for some of the other top tour companies in the region. So the FREE Walking Tour that he gives you for attending this event is on the same level as any other tours around town that includes (but is not limited to) the subjects of True Crime, Hauntings, Voodoo Culture, Witches, Magical Practitioners, Vampire Lore, Werewolves, and Other Shapeshifters.

    This is a Package that gives you two of the most sought after forms of Local Entertainment for less than the price of one (?!). You won't see many other packages, if any, around town offering anything quite like this.

    Lazlo sincerely hopes that you might join him for this Most Festive Event / Full New Orleans Entertainment Package and that you will bestow upon him the honor of being an Ambassador of Good Will to you in, here the Heart of the French Quarter.

    Organized by

    Port Jolly Roger Entertainment has been instrumental in providing the public with some of the most unusual & interesting entertainment for over 30 years. It has acted as a patron of the arts for some of the most unique and promising talent as well as directing the public to events that are free, affordable, and of great value to the community.
