Workshop : Living a Life you truly want

Workshop : Living a Life you truly want

Join us on Thursday night to gain more understanding about yourself!

By Live Your Mark



About this event

    Do you often feel the below:

    1) Lost in career or in life

    2) Losing your daily motivation in the things you do

    3) Not being able to express yourself freely

    4) Finding your purpose in life

    5) You feel that there is so much more in you but somehow you can’t unleash that full potential

    Often life is a journey of search, with the right tools and guidance you will be able to expertise the journey with more intelligence and certainty.

    What we are going to do in the preview is to let you gain more clarity in where you are now in life versus what you also dream of getting to. So first of all identify your gap, and what’s next is totally up to you. Over here we offer the Truself Creation Course (payable) to give you the right tools and guidance to speed up your dream life.

    Many times, the gap we think we know are just on the surface. The real thing in you that is holding you back are way beneath you and something we don’t know. So get ready to discover what’s in you and what have been stopping you all these while. Live a life that you truly want and reach your full potential!

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