Word-power, song-power: me, my guitar and you. A Concert by SimpleAsIAm.

My voice is raspy - maybe cracky - soft sometimes. But it is pure... I talk LYRICS and sing folk-country-beach. Come and enjoy songs I made.

By SimpleAsIAm

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About this event

SimpleAsIAm.com all day long - songs I sang last night...

Organized by

oh I love this chance to share my L-Y-R-I-C-S, talk about the feelings I had when I wrote each song. Then I sing to you each song with heartfelt a capella sometimes. ME, MY GUITAR, AND A KEYBOARD BEAT - ENTERTAIN YOU INTIMATELY IN THIS CONCERT-SERIES. WEEKLY OR SOMETIMES NOT. BUT PLEASE COME WHEN YOU CAN. SEE YOU THERE.

I invite you to please attend, SimpleAsIAm -The Structure of Love - get hand-signed cover art, lyric-sheet handouts - yes, be my SIMPLE-AS-WE-ARE fan-friend :)

S i m p l e A s I A m (dot) c o m SimpleAsIAm(dot)com

$7.00 off applied