Women's PowerHouse Morning Prayer Call

Women's PowerHouse Morning Prayer Call

This prayer call is geared for women who are interested in praying with and for other women. To encourage and uplift each other weekly.

By Renee Nadja- Living Beyond Limits

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Untitled agenda
Untitled agenda

PowerHouse Prayer Call

Open in Prayer, Welcome, Recap of Previous Week, Encouraging Topic and Scripture for the Morning, Open Floor for Comments/Questions/Prayer Request, and Closing Prayer



#prayer #healing #encouraging #encouragement #love #peace #forgiveness #love #freedom #answers #restored #revived #refreshed

About this event

This prayer call was formed as a safe place for women who desire to pray for and with each other to encourage one another, and see each other soar!💞

Prayer is the most powerful tool that anyone can have. Prayer gives us hope, victory, healing, answers, joy, peace, a sound mind and more!💞💞

If you have been looking for a safe and encouraging environment to pray with other women you found the right place! If you are struggling with a situation or circumstance and need Prayer you found the right place!💞💞

Give it a try! Join us! You won't regret it!💞

The time is weekly, on Thursdays from 7 am to 7:30 am

No worries if there are times when you cannot be on the call. There are no formal commitment requirements accept to pray for members in the group during the call and whenever you are led.The call is led by Renée, founder of Living Beyond Limits.

If this call is held during a time when you are preparing to get ready for work or other, no worries, no cameras are required to be on and the participants are muted.So excited if you join us!

I cannot wait to join you in prayer and watch God move in our lives!!

#prayer #healing #encouraging #encouragement #love #peace #forgiveness #love #freedom #answers #restored #revived #refreshed


Renée is the author of Beauty for Ashes 60 day daily devotional, motivational speaker, life coach, educator and founder of Living Beyond Limits womens ministry.


Frequently asked questions

What online platform is used for the call?

Teams. You must have Teams on your phone, laptop, or desk top.

Can I invite a friend to participate in the call?

Absolutely. However, the friend must sign up via facebook or Eventbrite.

When will the link for the call be sent to me?

The link for the call will be sent to you via email 1 hour before the call starts.

Will I need a new link each time the call takes place?

Yes. You will need to use the link sent the morning of the call.

What if I decide that I no longer want to be a part of the prayer call?

No worries. Simply email Renée at Livingbeyondlimitswithrenee@gmail.com and your name will be removed from the list and you will no longer receive the prayer call messages.

Do I have to share or speak during the call?


Can I speak during the call?

Absolutely. There will be a time allotted for comments and/or questions regarding the scriptures for that morning.

How can I submit a prayer request?

You can submit a prayer request during the call on Teams or send to Livingbeyondlimitswithrenee@gmail.com.

What time is the call?

The call is weekly, every Thursday morning from 7 am to 7:30 am.

If the call is cancelled for any given day how will I know?

If the call is cancelled you will receive an email prior to.

How can I get more information on Renée who formed this prayer call?

Information on Renée can be found on the following platforms: Reneenadja.org https://youtu.be/WnM94aXJrjQ?si=vKaeyIweakkAznHw