Women's Circle

Women's Circle

A space for women to gather in curiosity and expansion of our feminine radiance, embodiment, sensuality, and connection to self & others.

By Vincenza.Studios

Date and time

December 4, 2023 · 4pm - December 16 · 5pm PST



About this event

Visiting Call!


This circle gathers 3X month. This groups creation is intended to provide guidance, support, and anchoring in moving through your month with a deep sense of embodiment and connection to your sensual feminine self (and to other beauitful women.) It is a space to come home and remember yourself.

The first call of the month is always a Wisdom call. This call will go into a topic or a theme of the month that we will all be focusing on through out the month.

The following two calls are Coaching calls aimed to hold & support you throughout your month.

Are you looking for

  • Deeper connection and resource to/for your emotions?
  • Support in moving through your month embodied in your feminine essence?
  • A space to connect, release, and transform things you may be struggling with in isolation?
  • A greater understanding of the impact of your sensual, fully embodied version of self?
  • Friends & Community?
  • Anything in the range of being seen/felt/understood in what your daily expirience is like as a woman?

Then this is the right space for you!

Every month we:

  • Have 3 (60m) Zoom calls
  • Co - regulate!
  • Connect with other women.
  • Connect to our feminine / sensual selves.
  • Receive deep holding & support in our weekly struggles.
  • Engage in coaching & inquiry to expand our understanding of self.

For more Information Click Here!

Sign up for your first visiting call and see if this circle is a good fit for you! Your first month is free!

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to be a woman to be apart of this group?

Yes! Any and all identifications as a femmes / women are welcome in this group!

What if I have had no experience with group coaching circles?

This is a great space to welcome yourself into in order to discover if group coaching can bring your life more ease and comfort connecting to yourself and other women.

How do I know if this is a good fit?

Come and find out! You are always welcome to come and try this group's offerings on. If it feels aligned, stay! If it doesn't feel quite right, that's no problem. Thank you for taking the time to invest in trying something a little scary and unknown. We know you will find what you are looking for.

Organized by

Clarity Vincenza is a Practitioner based out of NYC. She graduated from Boise State University with a degree in Psychology and background in neuroscience. She has dedicated herself to expanding her studies outside of traditional education in realms of somatic trauma release techniques, inquiry coaching, polarity dynamics, de-armoring, tantra, and kink studies (BDSM). She has five years of committed study under the guidance of esteemed mentors such as Om Rupani, Lauren Harkness, Desire on Fire, and Kyle Mercer.
