Winning Speaking Slots: Mastering the Art of Conference RFPs
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Winning Speaking Slots: Mastering the Art of Conference RFPs

Join us for a practical webinar speaker, Ken Miller, as he unveils the secrets to successfully applying for speaking slots at conferences.

By Prosal

Date and time

Thursday, May 2 · 9 - 10am PDT



About this event

  • 1 hour

Are you a consultant or business leader looking to expand your influence and share your expertise through speaking engagements? Join us for a highly practical webinar with Ken Miller, a seasoned speaker and consultant, as he unveils the secrets to successfully applying for conference speaking slots.

Ken will guide you through the entire process of responding to speaking RFPs, from understanding what conference organizers are looking for to crafting submissions that highlight your unique value. Whether new to the speaking circuit or looking to improve your acceptance rate, this session will equip you with the tools and knowledge to increase your visibility and impact through public speaking.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from an expert who has perfected the art of turning speaking proposals into speaking opportunities. Secure your spot now and take the first step towards becoming a sought-after speaker in your industry.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Provide practical insights into preparing compelling proposals for speaking engagements.
  2. Share effective strategies for crafting a persuasive session proposal, focusing on content, uniqueness, and audience engagement.
  3. Offer tips for leveraging past experiences and feedback to improve and succeed in proposal submissions.


  • Host: Alfredo Ramirez, Co-founder/COO of Prosal
  • Main Presenter: Ken Miller, CFRE – President of Denali FSP Grant Consultants

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