WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS Mindfulness Sessions: Rercurring 1st & 3rd Wednesdays

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS Mindfulness Sessions: Rercurring 1st & 3rd Wednesdays

FREE Virtual Drop-In Mindfulness Sessions: These sessions are for the First and Third Wednesdays of the month only.

By R.A.W. Services & Angelique L. Burke MS, EdS, LPC



About this event

These mindfulness sessions are great additions to interpersonal work and therapy as the focus will be on mindfulness--to BE with, and work with, decreasing anxiety, stress, chronic pain and depressive symptoms.

However, this is not a therapy group.

This experience will be good for beginners and veterans to mindfulness alike; there is no previous experience required.

IMPORTANT: Even though this is a free group, you will need to register with Eventbrite for your free ticket. This allows you to receive the private meeting ID and passcode. It is recommended to do this no later than 48 hours before the group time to account for any potential delays receiving the login information.

Registration for your ticket will allow you access to the 1st AND 3rd Wednesdays Mindfulness sessions.

Please make sure to note the difference in the links once you register.

For more information about our services, please go to: www.RawServices.net