Weekly LIVE Q&A on Investing with Apartment Queen Investments

Weekly LIVE Q&A on Investing with Apartment Queen Investments

"Group Investment how do they work? LIVE with APQ Q&A!

By Kaylee Mcmahon



About this event

Join us live to ask apartment queen investments any questions you want about how group investments work and to learn more about our ecosystem and how you can get involved with us. It will be no replay this is live only one time a month only. Look forward to speaking with you I remember there are no stupid questions!



An opportunity I’ve been telling you about for the last 6+ months will finally be yours for the taking.

This could finally be the moment you STOP standing on the sidelines, wondering when you’re ever going to actually get in the game with a multi-family real estate investment that helps you build wealth…

…the moment when you finally START learning about the process with skin in the game and seeing your capital GROW.

I hope you’re ready to make a decisive move and join me and other action takers this week.

I’ll be hosting a live event on Zoom to make the big reveal, with a special talk called:

How YOU can finally get in the game & grow your wealth with a multi-family real estate investment

It’s happening: EVERY WEEK ON Wednesday


CLICK TO ADD a Calendar Reminder here-


At this meetup, I’ll be revealing all the details of this new opportunity and taking questions from attendees.

Can’t make it live?


That said, if you want a one-time chance to ask me questions about this all new opportunity to get access to the same deals as our Accredited Investors for a lower-than-ever entry level investment, you won’t want to miss this…

Here’s how you can get the most out of this event:

If you don’t have it already, make sure to download Zoom and ensure your camera, mic, etc. are working.

Click through here for a direct link to our private room

Show up live, ready to listen and engage!

If you’ve been wanting to invest in multi-family real estate for awhile now…

But you haven’t been able to find a deal you loved, a team you trust or an entry-level price point you can afford…

This is for YOU.

So keep your eyes peeled for my emails this week!

Back with more soon,

Kaylee McMahon,

Founder & Managingh partner of Apartment Queen Investments

join here-


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