Week 1: Round 1 Preparation

Week 1: Round 1 Preparation

Join us for the "Week 1: Round 1 Working Session" where we'll walk RAs through the preparation steps for submitting requests.


Date and time

January 8 · 7am - January 12 · 1pm PST




Guided Tasks

Small Group TA

About this event

Week 1: Round 1 Working Session

Join us for an exciting online working session as we kick off the 2024-2025 Ordering Season!

(Zoom link will be sent one week prior to the session)

This session is perfect for Pilot and Non Pilot RAs looking for step-by-step guidance from TDA to complete the required preparation steps for submitting accurate WBSCM requests and more focused Technical Assistance in small groups with an ESC Specialist.

Whether you're a Pilot RA or Non Pilot RA, the interactive demonstration, discussions, Q&A, and hands-on activities using your RAs real-world data will help ensure accurate WBSCM submissions with less frustration.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to submit your requests live with TDA guidance. Register now and secure your spot in Week 1: Round 1 Working Session!

(Seats are limited. Only one registration per RA, Multiple RA users can attend on the same registration).

What to Bring

  • USDA Foods Ordering Schedule
  • Your RAs Ship To Documents
  • Your RAs Forecasting Documents

Frequently asked questions

I'm a Non Pilot RA. Am I required to attend?

Yes! Non Pilot RAs are REQUIRESD to attend as part of initial training to ensure you receive step-by-step guidance and timely assistance to accurately submit requests.

I'm a Pilot RA. Am I required to attend?

Yes! Pilot RAs are REQUIRED to attend. TDA has updated the requisitions process based upon Pilot RA feedback and wants to ensure you receive step-by-step guidance and timely assistance to accurately submit requests.

Who can attend (User Admins, Order Managers, etc.)?

Order Managers are REQUIRED to attend one working session per week. All other users are welcome to attend. Please submit only one registration per RA per week. Multiple users can attend on the same registration.

Does each attendee from my RA need to register?

No. Please submit only one registration per RA per week. To ensure that every RA statewide receives step-by-step guidance, seats are tracked and limited by the number of RAs (63 RAs per session) rather than by the number of users (unlimited). Your RA submits one registration but 10 users can attend.

Where is the Zoom link?

To eliminate confusion, all Zoom links will be sent by email one week prior to the scheduled session.

What will I be doing in the sessions?

Actual work! You will be completing the actual steps required to successfully submit an accurate requisition live with TDA and in small groups with an ESC Specialist

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