Webinar: Unlocking Refugee Talent with Welcome Corps  at Work

Webinar: Unlocking Refugee Talent with Welcome Corps at Work

Join our webinar to learn how the Welcome Corps program connects US employers with skilled refugees. Unlock new talent opportunities!

By Talent Beyond Boundaries

Date and time

Starts on Thursday, February 22 · 11am PST



About this event

The Welcome Corps at Work program matches employers in the United States with skilled refugees in need of resettlement and enables refugees and their immediate families to relocate permanently to the United States. This program seeks to provide a sustainable, scalable solution to workforce and skills shortages among US employers at absolutely no cost to the employers. This is a US State Department program and the IRC and TBB are working closely with the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration on each component.

We are engaged with over 2,500 individuals seeking work as part of the program. Of this group:

  • 77% have English levels of intermediate or above
  • 42% have English levels of full professional proficiency or above
  • 12% have a bachelor's degree, 2% have a master's degree, and 0.2% have a doctoral degree
  • Of the candidates with full professional levels of English, the most common occupation among these candidates includes: Teacher, Social Work Professional, Administrative Assistant, Data Entry Operator. IT Professional, Healthcare Professional (other), Healthcare Professional (nurse), Computer Programmer, Engineers, and Food and Hospitality

    To participate in this program, the IRC and TBB are seeking employers with consistent hiring needs who are interested in engaging with refugees with specialized linguistic and cultural skills to join their workforce. Employers would be a great fit for this program if they:
  • Have evergreen open positions anywhere in the United States
  • Provide high-quality jobs with opportunities for career progression within their business
  • Pay a living wage based on their location - See MIT Living Wage Calculator

    Although many of the refugees we are working with through this project have achieved degrees and credentials in their home country, it should be noted that these do not automatically transfer to the United States, especially in the healthcare field. With this in mind, we are specifically looking for employers with open positions that meet the above criteria but do not require a credential or offer paid training for the required certifications.

    Our team will be hosting a webinar on the Welcome Corps at Work program for employers interested in learning more about this program. This will be an opportunity for businesses to learn about the details of this program, understand the types of positions, wages, and benefits that make an employer a good fit, and engage on the next steps. All interested employers who feel they might be a good fit for the program based on the above criteria are welcome to attend.

A Zoom link will be shared to participants close to the webinar date.

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