Volunteer Sign Up - Bensalem, PA - 01/27/17

Volunteer Sign Up - Bensalem, PA - 01/27/17

By 48Live Productions


Christian Life Center

3100 Galloway Ave Bensalem, PA 19020


It takes many committed individuals contributing their time and talents to put on a successful concert!

Volunteering can be a great way to serve the Lord and make new friends all while having fun! All volunteers must be at least 18 years old. Certain jobs (Runners and Stage Hands) may have additional requirements. Volunteers will receive a free ticket but it is not always guaranteed that you will see the show.

How would you like to help?

Runner (Transportation) - all day with vehicle

Load-in / Load-out (Crew) - Loads in and sets up the sound and lighting equipment. Acts as stagehands during the concert. Packs up and loads out the gear for the artist. You don't have to have any special training but must not be afraid to work hard, sweat and make new friends.

Merchandise (Merch) - responsible adults with cash handling experience

Box Office / Ticket Takers

Lobby Volunteers: “Lobby” volunteers are needed to assist a few hours before the show until after the event to assist with a lobby Photo Booth provided by the tour.

Click the REGISTER button to sign up.

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