Visionboard Fans Be A Certified Visionboard  Coach

Visionboard Fans Be A Certified Visionboard Coach

Visionboard fans create new income --be a Coach! Get Certified as a Vision Board Coach in 4 weeks with your mobile-no computer needed.

By Joyce Schwarz, Best-selling Author, THE VISION BOARD book as seen on E Entertainment TV and on BEYOND THE SECRET DVD. Jack Canfield says, "This book will change your life"



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 Start Anytime-- you don't have to wait -sign up and start now or call Joyce at 310-822-3119 to sign up directly. One to one class with Joyce herself.

 Discover how to help others make their dreams come true too -- while you make up to $500 in 1/2 day as a Certified Vision Board Coach - doing private coaching, vision board workshops and vision board parties & more.

 HOW THE HOME STUDY Certified Vision Board Course works:

 This is a home study course, you can download all materials which include: workbook, trainers guide, audios and videos on your computer or via your phone. You get a video or audio recording for each class you attend to download and keep for yourself MP3 you can play on your phone or computer.

Joyce will guide you through step by step in this 4-week HOME STUDY class. PLUS, this special deal includes an hour of private coaching with Joyce Schwarz one to one after you finish the 4 weekly classes to help you jumpstart your personal and professional VISION! You get $349.00 of free bonuses


Love to have u join our home study course-- when you do, I'll be working directly with you via one to one email with phone availability -- no one offers such custom personalized Home Study online.

PLUS, this special deal includes a $149.00 optional 188-page workbook on visioning and vision board techniques used around the globe that have NEVER BEEN REVEALED BEFORE--

in total you get $500.00 in FREE BONUSES


Remember the Vision Board Institute is the only place you can get accredited as a Certified Vision Board Coach.   Scroll down to see what just a few of the Certified Vision Board Coach graduates say about how this course and Joyce's coaching changed their lives.


Want to pay via phone or talk to me more about your background -- I'd be delighted to have you email me directly at: or call 310-822-3119


Get ready to live your best experience ever -- taking the course will be life-changing for you and for all of those you share the vision with --

Joyce Schwarz,

As seen in more than 100 magazines, newspapers and on TV and radio worldwide



Do you want to make money by helping others make their dreams come true -- then this is for YOU!  Make $500.00 in a half day as a Certified Vision Board Coach -- go beyond the board and offer life and work vision workshops for career, life and business coaching and consulting.


Find out step by step how to set up your own coaching and consulting firm for Vision Boarding and Strategic Visioning. AS SEEN ON TV: PBS, FOX, E Entertainment TV, NPR and LA Time We were just in LA Times last weekend


YES, you can now FAST TRACK YOUR HOME STUDY --and finish in as few as 4 weeks. You do the class at your home or office and take up to 3 months to complete. 


You learn the techniques of visioning and vision board creation via MP3 (audio downloads each 90-minute-long) and core printed resources you print out from PDF downloads -- we give you including your 60-page training manual.


You communicate with Joyce personally via email and phone if you wish during your home study course and Joyce grades your weekly quizzes


Prerequisites. You should have a strong desire to create prosperity for you and want to help others make their dreams come true.  Our more than 350 coaches worldwide include teachers. Social workers, Spiritual leaders and ministers, business executives and entrepreneurs and direct marketers and party planners.


GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS -- complete the 4 quizzes, and the final form and turn in a sample vision board and a short plan showing how you will teach your classes and then Joyce Schwarz reviews this personally and announces your graduation and you get your beautiful certificate send to you digitally. You are then invited to our secret group of coaches on Facebook.

NO LICENSE OR ANNUAL FEE TO BE PAID – you pay once that’s it!

AS SEEN ON PBS, E! Entertainment, TV GUIDE, FOX NEWS, CBS Radio and hundreds of blogs and podcasts worldwide.

  Join us now to create prosperity



1)  Master the ancient art of visioning to use in coaching, teaching Vision Board Classes and in realizing our own dreams come true.

2)Learn Joyce Schwarz SECRET 5-step GRABS formula to realize your own success pattern and eliminate block in your life and business.

3) Teach and understand why vision boards are more than just cut and paste and find out the top 3 reasons most vision boards don't work!

4) To benefit from Joyce Schwarz coaching and teaching style that has worked to help thousands of celebrities, VIPS and people like you to realize their true potential.

5) To see and know how to go beyond a Vision Board and methods to clarify and choose your power words and defining images for 2019 that will drive you forward



The CVBC class is based on proprietary methods that Joyce Schwarz developed herself with additional input from many of the VIP leaders she interviewed for THE VISION BOARD book. Here is a sampling of those major names. Bob Proctor, Marie Diamond, Jack Canfield and more. 



The Vision Board Institute is the only organization offering accreditation since 2009 --more than 400 CVBC coaches worldwide!


Discover how VISTA, WORLDBANK and the United Nations use visioning to set goals, realize dreams and to help people embrace hope again after tragedy, job-loss or even death in the family. Visioning is also used daily to create the best possible lives daily, weekly, monthly and beyond.




In Week #1 you will also learn these proprietary techniques Joyce Schwarz only with the CERTIFIED VISION BOARD COACHES:


a) Passport to Possibility -- how to find out where you or your client is/are now so that you can create a vision path b) Passport to Opportunity - how to help your clients and yourself get to where you want to go when you have a specific life or work objective i.e. TRAVEL TO PARIS for a Second Honeymoon c) How to find your power words in 15 minutes or less d) How to do the PICK THREE EXERCISE that lets you vision anywhere without any magazines, or any computer or any glue!  DISCOVER THE GRABS FORMULA FOR SUCCESS -- Gratitude, Receive/release, Ask/Acknowledge/action, be authentic, believe and share.


WEEK #2 WHY A VISION STATEMENT IS CRUCIAL for life, work and family.  You've all heard about mission statements (which some from the top down in corporations or in other institutions) but we go beyond the old fashioned top down Mission statement to explore and tap into the power of a VISION STATEMENT. What can you vision for your future and how to create the vision path to that vision! In this class you will also learn CVBC proprietary techniques for:  a) How to begin to live your VISION TODAY -- yes, even before you do a complete vision board. b) How to change your motto (or your client's) and change your life c) How to find DEFINING IMAGES anywhere and everywhere and tap into those that are RIGHT for you!  d) How to determine if your vision is coming from the inside out -- from your values!


WEEK #3 CREATING THE VISION BOARD and activating your vision and empowering and updating the vision****

In this week you'll discover how to create a vision board using our specific CVBC methods. Plus, learn our proprietary 11 step method called VIPURLIFE for LIVING YOUR VISION BOARD Plus, real life examples of how to make vision boards for: romance, career, family, business, happiness, finances, prosperity and health & more



This class features how to make money with your certificate including:

a) Teach a 3 hour class (I give you a whole suggested agenda) b) What to charge for a 3 hour class c) How to expand the class to a whole day class with little or no extra work d) How to make $500 doing vision board consulting in 1/2 day when working with groups and organizations e) How to use your vision board skills to help raise funds for your local church, charity or nonprofit. f) How to employ the vision board creation techniques and life and work visioning into your coaching practice if you are a coach or into your own life.


YOU get such bonuses as 50 ways to promote and market yourself for little or no cost. PLUS, examples of how our coaches make at least $50 an hour to teach private course and up to $500 for 1/2 day.

You'll also learn:

a) How to take your power words and turn them into defining images

b) How to complement your defining images with inspirational quotes and other memorabilia -- i.e. ticket stubs, maps etc.

c) HOW TO USE THE GRABS formula that is the 5-step secret formula that Joyce shares in her book and with her CVBCs to make sure that the vision board is as powerful as it can be!

d) How to move away from magical thinking -- and magic wands into using both your left (analytical) and right (intuitive) brain power for you and your clients/students etc.

e) Hand-made versus digital boards -- why use what and when and where to find digital software for making vision boards f) How to activate your vision board and how to help people who come to you when their VISION BOARD IS NOT working -- how to do a vision board analysis. g) The 10 steps that you must do to create a powerful vision board (only revealed to CVBC grads) GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS are simple:  1) You make a Business Vision Board (Joyce explains how) for your business about how you will use Vision Boards and/or visioning to do your business or LIFE better. If you do not have a business Joyce will work with you on how you can use this for your own life in creating income streams or in living a more powerful life 2) Fill out a simple FINAL FORM graduation form with 8 questions including questions about what you learned and how it changed your life!  You also get 


c) 60 page instruction manual d) How to teach a 3 hour class handout/outline e) 50 tips on how to promote our CVBC certification f) FREE monthly info calls for CVBC grads 1 hour on the last Weds of each month g) Free promotion on Facebook h) Free admission to our LINKED IN GROUP which offers discussions on best practices i) Free 5 minute phone calls with Joyce anytime you want during her office hours 11 am to 2 pm Monday to Friday – from anywhere in the world




A) Be one of more than 350 Certified Vision Board Coaches around the globe -- get referrals for your business (whether you are a life coach or a Reiki professional or a Marriage and Family counselor or a Health Coach or a teacher or an executive or entrepreneur -- the CVBC designation will help you add 30 percent to your bottom line each year -- and you get $$ to help make others dreams come true.

B) Discover the top 10 mistakes most people and trainers make when creating a vison board and/or life plan. Plus find out how to create a vision board for your own business and for

helping other entrepreneurs, executives, families and churches and of course your clients their boards

C)Get guidelines and specific 50 tips on how to promote your classes, workshops and private coaching for little or no cost.

D) Find out how to make $500 in 1/2 day conducting vision board workshops or home parties.

E) Earn the CVBC recognized designation (certified coaches make on average 30 percent more than those who don't earn a designation).

F) Learn an amazing SECRET (proprietary) self-discovery exercise that you can use with clients, family and yes, yourself anywhere at any time -- that takes only 10 minutes that will GUARANTEE to get you back on track to your vision and goals.


**** Four 90-minute MP3 audio workshops simulating a live workshop -- you feel like you’re part of a real class!

****60-page training manual -- on vision board creation, the art of visioning and what kind of vision boards and instruction you can teach or use for coaching or for your own vision!


188-page Certified Vision Board Coach workbook.



This is a 4-week home study program you can do anywhere in the world -- and people have -- from Jordan to China to South Africa and across the USA. you get the audios to download and you get the digital training manuals and you get weekly contact with Joyce Schwarz, bestselling author of THE VISION BOARD book herself.

A) Listen to the audio of the week

B) Read the two workbook chapters

C) Review your Coaching manual as you turn in your quizzes for each week (or do it at your own pace -- you have 3 months to finish the course.

PLUS, access to a free library of more than 30 hours of supplementary audios and videos on vision board creation for life and business.

In all you get more than 8 hours of instruction via MP3 downloads and you get the 60-page training manual


PLUS****You get to keep all the audio downloads of course for your files.


**omonthly update info calls -- 1 hour to update you on best coaching p


Exclusive group on Facebook for CVBC coaches around the globe with weekly coaching tips and examples of how-to promo your courses

***Discounts and first look at any upcoming courses/classes and bootcamps we offer at Vision Board Institute.

***Opportunity to teach at VBI to our hundreds of other students and share your other specialties too i.e. Yoga, Reiki, Body/Mind/Spirit specialties so that you can promo your other services in addition to being a Certified Vision Board Coach.

***Exclusive group on Linked In to trade best practices i.e. pricing etc. with other coaches and Joyce


email Joyce at and include your phone # so she can call you back take your credit card info via phone personally and answer any questions you have!

WHAT's included in the home study course:

a) you get four 90-minute audios recorded by Joyce Schwarz which introduce you to each of the 4 classes and prep you for the topics in each class (see list below).

(Note all audios are available via mp3download and sent to you via link where you can download them to your MP3 player, IPOD or to your computer at your leisure.)

c) Quizzes graded by Joyce herself: You get a home study quiz (short 5-6 questions) to fill ou seet and send back at your leisure for Joyce to give you input on your progress and to ask questions at that time via email about your course/progress.

d) You get a Certified Vision Board Coach Training Manual with 60 plus pages of never disclosed info on what makes a vision board work, how and why and when to use vision boards for women, men, families and more.

e) coach listing (basic listing is free with option to upgrade to FEATURED LIFETIME listing at low one-time cost

f) 188-page WORKBOOK with pictures, diagrams and real-life examples to help with your coaching

ALL materials including your final certificate are delivered to you digitally via email download or MP3 download. Joyce Schwarz herself is available to you as a resource/coach etc. via email:


ENDORSEMENTS FOR JOYCE SCHWARZ AND THE CVBC COURSE – the world’s only certification for vision board coaches offered by Joyce Schwarz & The International Vision Board &

(Partial list)

DOREEN ROMAN CVBC, Manitoba, Canada Joyce is an awesome person and teacher. She goes out of her way to help each of us received the requirements she has set down to become Certified Vision Board Counselor. As a mentor, Joyce has wonderful suggestions, listens to what her students have to say, and really hears them. I would recommend the CVBC workshop series because I believe it is a great series. It is simple to use. I like simple



SHARON SHENKER CVBC, Montreal, Canada “Joyce is beyond a doubt, the most energetic, stimulating and creative teacher I have ever had the pleasure of learning a new skill from. Her detailed knowledge of creating vision boards is only a small part of all that she shares with her students at The Vision Board Institute. I truly enjoyed the stimulating tele-conference classes I took with her to become one of her first Certified Vision Board Counselors


Judith Fine-Sarchielli, Topanga, California Artist and Owner, SARCHIELLI & ASSOCIATES “Joyce was my teacher and mentor as the owner of the Vision Board Institute, where I became a Certified Vision Board Consultant. Joyce is one of the most creative teachers and marketing geniuses I have ever worked with in my 60 years as an artist. Her book, "The Vision Board" is a bestselling masterpiece. I am very grateful to Joyce for all the inspiration and techniques she taught me during the Vision Board certification course,”


Dr. Sheri Wallace, Gainesville, Florida. The CVBC program offers the added benefit of assisting me in developing products and programs and marketing them effectively, while having access to the creative products of others in the program._ I believe there is a lot of value for the money spent on the program I enjoy the creative aspect of the course networking with others, and the opportunity to co-teach. 


$150 – $299