Virtual Crystal Sound Healing Meditation

Virtual Crystal Sound Healing Meditation

Join me to deeply unwind with sound, vibration and frequency.

By Ruth Ratliff

Select date and time

January 18, 2023 · 4:30pm - June 18 · 4:30pm PST



About this event

I’ll be hosting a monthly virtual Sound Healing Therapy Meditation via Zoom at 7:00 pm every third Tuesday of the month.

**(See note below)

Relax and go on a sacred journey inward while listening to the tranquil sounds of sonic instruments including Himalayan and crystal singing bowls, chimes and voice.

Find a quiet place to relax, restore and create a deep connection to your authentic self - a space of healing and transformation. Snuggle into a comfy spot where you will not be disturbed for about 30 minutes. For the best listening experience use headphones or high quality earbuds, if possible.

Sound Healing Therapy has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety and depression, decrease heart rate and blood pressure, improve sleep, increase attention, increase neural connectivity and invite a greater sense of compassion, empathy and connection.

The sonic instruments produce a rich blend of harmonic overtones that are deeply compelling and help bring about profound relaxation by stimulating the vagus nerve and calming the nervous system. People often report having transformational realizations and feeling lighter and renewed as a result of a Sound Healing Therapy experience.

Sound Healing Therapy can be integrated organically in your environment, community, career, belief systems, your spiritual and energetic bodies. Using sound healing in your everyday life can help you help you achieve joy, health and wholeness for a better quality of life.

This is my gift to you.

**PLEASE NOTE - when you get your confirmation email, you will be directed to the EVENT PAGE where you will find the Zoom link to join. It is not in the confirmation email.

You will have to click on the ORANGE BUTTON that says "VIEW THE EVENT" to access the Zoom link.

Organized by

Ruth has been a professional vocalist, performer and workshop leader for many years and a holistic voice teacher for the past 20 years. She is a Licensed and Certified Vibrational Sound Therapy Practitioner and holds a Level 1 Certificate in Sound Healing with Voice, Shoden Reiki and Spiritual Coaching. Ruth is also a published author of the book "The Voice of Women's Wisdom.” Her sound offerings can be found on Insight Timer and Sound Cloud.
