Urban Green Thumb Revolution: Mastering Indoor Food Gardening

We're a group of food growing 'nerds' who want to find ways to increase urban food production using the latest growing technologies.

By Future Indoor Gardening Greenthumbs!



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10:00 AM - 10:10 AM

Container Gardening Basics: Learn the art of growing in small spaces

In this session, you'll delve into the foundations of container gardening. Learn how to transform even the tiniest urban spaces into thriving green sanctuaries. Discover the best container options, s...

10:10 AM - 10:20 AM

Soil and Nutrients: Discover the secrets of nourishing your plants.

Understanding soil composition and proper nutrition is essential for your plants' growth. This session will demystify the world of soils, fertilizers, and nutrients. You'll gain insights into creatin...

10:20 AM - 10:35 AM

The Art of Upcycling: Explore eco-friendly container gardening

Get creative in this session where we explore the eco-friendly practice of upcycling. Learn how to transform everyday items into unique plant containers. By repurposing, you'll reduce waste and disco...

10:35 AM - 10:40 AM

Dive into Hydroponics: Unlock the magic of soil-less growing.

Hydroponics is the future of indoor gardening, and this session will introduce you to this soil-less growing method. Dive into the world of nutrient-rich water solutions, and discover how to cultivat...

10:40 AM - 10:55 AM

Year-Round Indoor Growing: Master the techniques for all-season harvests.

In our final session, we'll dive into the invaluable resources of our Free Indoor Growing Quick Start Guides. These comprehensive guides will equip you with the essentials for year-round indoor garde...

10:55 AM - 11:00 AM

Time for Questions

About this event

Welcome, Future Greenthumbs!

If you've ever dreamt of cultivating your fresh produce in urban or small suburban spaces, you're in the right place. This interactive virtual event is tailored just for you. Our expert, Clift Hart, will lead you on a journey through the world of urban indoor gardening, empowering you to grow your food no matter how limited your space is.

Please join our other classes:

And our Indoor Growing Challenge to compete against indoor food growers all over the world each month!

Thank you!


Chief Grower at iwantagreenthumb.com

Frequently asked questions

What do I need for this class?

All you need is curiosity, a desire to grow food for yourself year-round indoors, and a device to connect to our virtual sessions.

Are you planning any in-person events in the future?

While this class is primarily virtual, we plan to offer in-person events as part of our program. Details will be shared with class participants.

Can I do this with limited space?

Absolutely! We'll teach you the art of maximizing small spaces for flourishing indoor food gardens.

Why grow food indoors using LED grow lights?

Fresh, Nutrient-Rich Produce: When you grow your own food indoors, you have control over the growing environment. This means your produce is harvested at its peak, providing you with the freshest, most nutrient-rich options.

When can I start growing food at home?

With LED grow lights, you're not limited by seasons or weather conditions. You can grow your favorite vegetables, herbs, and even fruit year-round, ensuring a constant supply of fresh, homegrown produce.

Is this better for the planet than traditional growing or industrial agriculture?

Indoor gardening with LED lights is eco-friendly. You use fewer resources like water and pesticides, and you don't have to rely on long transportation distances for your food.

How much can I save when growing food at home?

While there's an initial investment in equipment, growing your own food indoors can lead to significant savings over time, as you reduce your grocery bills. Many systems can produce more than a pound of lettuce per week!

Is this a good activity for kids?

Gardening is a fantastic way to learn about plants, biology, and sustainability. It's an engaging and educational activity for individuals, families, or classrooms.

What can I grow indoors year-round with LED grow lights?

You're not limited to the selection of plants available in stores. You can experiment with different plant varieties and expand your culinary horizons.
