UnstoppableHER: How to Crush Self-Doubt Like a BOSS!
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UnstoppableHER: How to Crush Self-Doubt Like a BOSS!

Ladies, say goodbye to chronic self-doubt and overwhelming perfectionism...and rock 2024 like the BOSS that you are!

By Tiani Lanét Perkins

Date and time

Saturday, June 1 · 11am - 1pm MDT


Badlands Healing Yoga

2439 San Pedro Drive Northeast Albuquerque, NM 87110


11:00 AM - 11:10 AM


Wild Hypno Lady, Tiani Perkins, will introduce herself and have a chance to greet all the workshop attendees

11:10 AM - 11:30 AM

Signs You Might Have Chronic Self-Doubt

Learn the signs of Chronic Self-Doubt (aka Imposter Syndrome) and discover the true definition of Confidence

11:30 AM - 11:45 AM

What Causes Self-Doubt and Perfectionism (and what it's costing you)

Explore the societal, cultural, and personal factors that contribute to these limiting beliefs and better understand why you've been feeling this way. You'll also discover what it's been costing you....

11:45 AM - 12:05 PM

Why Nothing You've Tried Has Worked

You've tried everything to feel more confident: Meditation, Affirmations, Faking it ‘til you make it, Therapy…none of it works. Uncover why nothing you've tried has worked (HINT: It's not your fault!...

12:05 PM - 12:25 PM

How to Bust Through Perpetual Self-Doubts & Activate Unshakeable Confidence!

I'll share my secrets to breaking free from the shackles of perpetual self-doubt and perfectionism QUICKLY and PERMANENTLY! You'll learn actionable steps you can take today bust through those nagging...

12:25 PM - 12:35 PM

BREAK (10 min)

10 Minute Break

12:35 PM - 1:00 PM

Q & A

I'll speak directly with the audience and answer your most pressing questions regarding the human mind and how to bust through self-doubt and perfectionism

About this event

  • 2 hours

Discover how to finally escape the endless loop of Overthinking, Second-Guessing Yourself, and Feeling like a Fraud!

Are you a Career or Business Woman who finds yourself constantly self-doubting and comparing yourself to others in your profession, no matter how much you achieve?

Whether you’re a mid-level professional, an executive, or a business owner, self-doubt can affect us all. And left unchecked, it can cost you thousands and impede upon your success and happiness in life.

Through this powerful Interactive 2-Hour Workshop, you’ll learn from a certified hypnotherapist the secrets to busting through chronic self-doubt, and become equipped with the tools to activate your confidence in ways you always dreamed of.

During this workshop, you will discover how to break free from the shackles of Self-Doubt and Perfectionism, so you can unlock your Unshakeable Confidence and Joy!!

Frequently asked questions

Will there be a recording if I can't make it?

Unfortunately, there will be no recording of the workshop. So, you'll want to make sure to block this time off in your calendar well in advanced. You won't want to miss this incredible workshop!

Will the workshop be live-streamed online?

Unfortunately, we will not be live-streaming the event. So, once again, you'll want to make sure that you make yourself available to join us in person so that you don't miss out on this awesome workshop!

Will you be offering the workshop again if I miss it?

I do have plans to offer this workshop multiple times throughout the city and surrounding areas. So if you're unable to make it to this particular workshop, please send an email to tiani@wildhypnolady.com to request information on the next workshop.

Organized by

Tiani Perkins - The Wild Hypno Lady - is a Women's Confidence Expert & Certified Hypnotherapist trained in both conventional and alternative healing modalities. In her work, she supports high-achieving women all around the world in locating and eradicating their subconscious confidence blocks, chronic self-doubt, and perfectionism. Allowing them to finally feel that Unshakeable Confidence in both their professional and personal lives…and unlocking a life full of excitement and joy!