UNLOCK YOUR MOM SUPERPOWERS: 3 Keys to  Rediscover Your  Passion and Purpose

UNLOCK YOUR MOM SUPERPOWERS: 3 Keys to Rediscover Your Passion and Purpose

Learn proven strategies to reconnect with your passions, reclaim your sense of self, and create a life that sparkles.

By Ilana Schwartz

Date and time

Monday, June 10 · 11am - 12pm PDT



About this event

  • 1 hour

Unlock Your Mom Superpowers and Create a Fulfilling Life Beyond Motherhood!

Hey there, superhero mom (or maybe that cape has been hiding in a drawer somewhere)!

Are you ready to unlock your hidden powers and rediscover your passion and purpose? You've been taking care of others for years and now it is your turn. Join us for a transformative masterclass designed exclusively for moms over 40, where you'll tap into your limitless potential and reignite your inner fire. Get ready to create a life that goes beyond motherhood, filled with joy, fulfillment, and a renewed sense of purpose.

  • Rediscover Your Passions: Learn powerful strategies to reignite your passions and rediscover who you are beyond the role of being a mom. Uncover your unique gifts and talents that make you special and embrace all of the amazingness that is within you!
  • Find Your Purpose: Break free from the limitations and expectations placed upon you (whether they are real or perceived) as a mom and dare to dream big. Discover your true purpose and create a life that aligns with your deepest desires.
  • Create a Fulfilling Life: Gain the clarity and tools to build a life that allows you to thrive in all areas – from personal growth and relationships to career and lifestyle choices. Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to a life filled with fulfillment and balance.

What You'll Learn:

  • The 3 Keys to Unlock Your Mom Superpowers: We'll dive deep into the strategies and mindset shifts needed to uncover your hidden potential and rediscover your passion and purpose. Get ready to be inspired and empowered!
  • Practical Techniques: Walk away with practical tools and exercises that you can implement immediately. These exercises will help you gain clarity, overcome self-doubt, and take inspired action towards creating a life that fuels your soul.
  • Community and Support: Join a group of like-minded superhero moms on this incredible journey. Embrace the power of sisterhood and build long-lasting connections with fellow moms who understand your journey.

Don't Wait, Register Now!
Remember, superhero mom, your time is NOW! Don't wait another day to tap into your fullest potential. Your dreams and aspirations matter too, and the world needs your unique gifts. Join us for this immersive masterclass and start creating the life you deserve!

Registration Details:
Date: Monday, June 10th
Time: 11am PST/ 2pm EST
Location: Virtual!
Investment: FREE!

Keep leaning into the sisterhood of superhero moms - we've got your back! Remember, you were born for this. Don't try to be someone else - go out there and be yourself, unapologetically!

Note: Spaces are limited, so secure your spot now! Your fellow superhero moms are waiting for you. Let's unlock your mom superpowers together and create lives full of purpose, passion, and joy.

Register now and let the adventure begin!

Warm regards,
Ilana Schwartz

Fun-Loving Mindset Coach

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