Unlocking the Power of Breathwork for Your Business

Unlocking the Power of Breathwork for Your Business

Navigate the challenges of business with renewed focus, resilience, and clarity.

By Carolyn Jones

Date and time

Thursday, May 30 · 5:30 - 6:30pm PDT



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About this event

  • 1 hour

Carolyn first experienced breathwork over a decade ago and has used it for personal transformation since. Beyond the internal shifts, she has used it to build a thriving lifestyle business that offers her freedom with time and money.

Here are some key advantages of using breathwork for your business:

  • Enhanced Clarity and Focus: Breathwork helps clear the mental fog, allowing business leaders like Carolyn to prioritize tasks and focus on what truly matters. This leads to better decision-making and goal setting.
  • Stress Reduction: Regular breathwork sessions can significantly reduce stress, a common challenge in the hectic world of entrepreneurship. This not only improves overall well-being but also enhances work performance.
  • Leadership Improvement: As breathwork promotes self-awareness and emotional regulation, it can improve leadership skills.
  • Increased Creativity: By fostering a relaxed mind, breathwork can unlock creative potentials, aiding business owners in innovation and problem-solving.
  • Better Communication: With enhanced clarity and reduced stress, breathwork can improve communication skills, making interactions more effective and constructive.
  • Visualization of Success: Breathwork allows entrepreneurs to visualize and articulate their success and goals more clearly, which can motivate and drive business growth.

Join Carolyn as she shares this extraordinary tool at the "Breathwork for Business" session; inviting fellow entrepreneurs and business leaders to embark on their own journey of clarity and transformation. Unlock the power of breathwork to navigate the challenges of business with renewed focus, resilience, and vision. May 30, 2024 at 5:30 PM.

Frequently asked questions

How is this different from meditation?

Breathwork is an "active" meditation. We use a conscious, connected (circular) breath to activate a brain state that gives access to subconscious material.

Will we be actively breathing for 60 minutes?

We'll have an introduction to the technique, a short visioning exercise, followed by 25-30 active breathwork and integration.

Do I need to have my camera on?

It is helpful for me to have cameras on at the start to create a container for the space. Cameras are optional during and after breathwork.

Organized by

Carolyn Jones, M.A., CEO & founder of Absolute Numbers Inc., combines her extensive background in business with a deep understanding of human consciousness to offer a unique approach for business owners. With a master's degree in transpersonal psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), Carolyn has explored the profound impact of psychological principles on personal growth and healing. Her transformative journey into breathwork began over a decade ago, leading her to complete a 400-hour trauma-informed certification in breathwork facilitation through the Alchemy of Breath. This unique blend of skills makes Carolyn an innovative guide, supporting business owners to achieve greater success and prosperity by harmonizing their business strategy and financial goals with psychospiritual well-being.

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$0 – $40