Understanding God Above All (all religions welcome)

Understanding God Above All (all religions welcome)

Are you not learning anything? Are your gifts not being exercised? Come discern our atmosphere where Love resides.

By Kia Marie

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About this event

United Nations Prayer and Prophetic Alliance

Undergirded by Leaders Serving Leaders Coalition

Sundays at 8:00 AM Eastern Time

Ever felt like there was more, ever felt that burning sensation in your belly that wanted you to come forward but the push you need was hindered by judgment, jealousy, enviness, selfishness from others?

Here it is, come discern our atmosphere with United Nations Prayer and Prophetic Alliance powered by Leaders Serving Leaders Coalition where you will be educated on the original Kingdom Ordinances, challenged to behold love and good character, and pushed prophetically to jump over hurdles the enemy may present you.

What is the Atmosphere like?

Its Authentic. No performances. We all came to be refreshed, restored, renewed, and reproved and that's that. Create with Christ Drumline and Band conditions during this hour to keep their anointing hot and every individual in the midst who truly wants change will leave Transformed!

Growing Supernatural Training Centers Globally

Has your calling been made assured within you? By attending, you will be presented with an opportunity to join forces with Leaders Serving Leaders Coalition to access ministry perks designed to grow your membership through genuine love and support, community impact, generate revenue, and employ servant leaders.

-Luke 19:11 "Occupy til I Come"

Visit website at www.cag.solutions

About Kia Marie

As an ordained prophet, Kia Marie's journey is much like Jobs journey in the Bible where all things were taken from her and her experiences in the wilderness were divinely assigned to train her and qualify her to teach with great passion the parallel alignment of the Kingdom of God, life on Earth, the Original Intent of the Kingdom of God before all things under the Son were created, and how the death of Jesus of Christ grants Grace in our life experiences as his new creation.

She's a seer with the ability to see what forces are after you, and her words are as sharp as a two-edged sword as God's Grace and Strength continued to empower her to conquer her own demons to be able to evict other foul spirits.

Kia Marie, reconciled back unto our father, built many ships while in the wilderness to anchor the Kingdom of God across the Globe by appointing and training end-time prophets character, physicals strength, and spiritual stamina in efforts to eliminate overpowering demons desiring to rule in high places and take advantage of God's people.

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