Trap Bingo

Trap Bingo

The #1 Friday Night Event In Charlotte!

By Create Amazing LLC


Zodiac Bar & Grill

200 West Woodlawn Road #Suite G Charlotte, NC 28217

Refund Policy

No Refunds


Check In

Check in for the event. Receive your bingo cards and chips. Grab a drink, food, and vibe until showtime!

Bingo Time!

The squares on the bingo cards have the names of songs on them. When you hear the song place a chip. When you have bingo JUMP UP AND SHOUT!

About this event

Trap Music Bingo is Charlotte's hottest event of 2024. Every 1st Friday come play bingo, vibe and win PRIZES! Based in the newest remodeled lounge in South Charlotte located right off the highway! Food, drinks, premium shisha are also available. Hosted by Freaky Tai the #1 showstopper in Charlotte!


  • You will receive two bingo cards.
  • Bingo cards have song titles in the squares. When you hear the song place a chip. When you have bingo JUMP UP AND SHOUT!

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